Eight ways to support better digestion

Close up of woman's tummy with her hands making a heart shape in front

From a nutritional perspective, we always talk about the gut as being the second brain, such is its importance to us.  So, it’s hardly surprising, that when your digestion is not running smoothly, it can leave you feeling really out of sorts.  And because it’s the length of a tennis court (yes, can you believe it!), there’s much that can go wrong. 

Thankfully Clinical Nutritionist Suzie Sawyer has got eight great tips that can really help support your digestive health.

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Try apple cider vinegar


Apple cider vinegar has been used for centuries to help digestion and many other health conditions. 

Acid reflux is a very common complaint, when you get that unpleasant burning sensation coming up your chest and into your throat. People often think acid reflux is caused by too much stomach acid, when the reality is that the acid is just in the wrong place due to poor digestion further down. 

Taking a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar (which can be increased as needed) before each mealtime, can really help the whole digestive process.

Are you eating sufficient fibre?

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The more ultra processed foods we consume, the less the fibre content and the more constipated we can become. We need at least 30 grams of fibre daily to keep things moving smoothly through down below.

Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, especially cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, and kale, can really help.  At least one daily bowel movement is the target.

You might be lacking in digestive enzymes

A bowl of natural yoghurt on a wooden background

Various types of enzymes are secreted as a normal part of the digestive process, helping to break down our various food groups and getting the nutrient absorption process underway. Bloating is a common symptom of insufficient enzyme production.

Foods such as natural yoghurt, kefir, pineapple, and miso naturally contain enzymes so are great to include regularly in the diet.  If you’re digestion is feeling sluggish though, you can always take some digestive enzymes in supplement form, available in good health food stores.

Banish rushed eating


‘Wolfing’ down food is going to lead to digestive upsets. It’s amazing how much smoother everything runs if we eat more slowly (putting the knife and fork down between each mouthful) and chew thoroughly.  This stimulates a complicated hormonal response, which essentially helps the whole digestive process. 

Keep well hydrated

A close up of a woman holding a glass of water to represent staying hydrated

Hydration is of course fundamental to our existence, so it’s no wonder that being dehydrated affects everything, including the digestive process.

It’s important to aim for around 1.5 – 2 litres of water intake daily. Obviously, this can vary person to person and is dependent on how many fruits and vegetables are being consumed.  However, it’s best not to drink too many fluids with meals as this can dilute stomach acid and enzymes. Instead keep drinking regularly throughout the day.

Food intolerances

A blackboard with the words wheat free written on next to some wheat

There’s no doubt that many of us suffer from food sensitivities which can cause all kinds of issues.  Bloating, weight gain and excess wind are common issues.  Some of us also have food allergies which can often cause more dramatic and serious reactions.

It’s worth having food intolerances tested by a health care provider.  However, it’s also worth noting that sometimes we just eat too much of one food group, typically gluten and dairy, which can cause digestive issues.  Try cutting out one food group at a time for a month, to test if this applies to you: this can be really helpful in supporting your digestive health.  It may be that you can then reintroduce those foods again but just eat less of them.

How is your gut microbiome?


The gut microbiome (often called gut flora or friendly bacteria) plays an essential part in the digestive process and is key to wellbeing and overall health.

The gut microbiome, the all-important life inside us all, needs to be fed and watered just like any garden with prebiotic and probiotic foods.  It loves colourful fruits and vegetables and fermented foods including natural yogurt, tempeh, miso, and kefir.  If your diet is rich in colour, this will really help nourish the gut and hopefully keep it working well for you.

Reducing sugar intake

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Eating too much sugar, in all its forms, is detrimental to healthy digestion.  Not only does sugar slow everything down, it also destroys the good gut bacteria, causing wind and bloating, and reduces enzyme production.

It’s worth keeping a food diary for three days, noting everything you eat, and then analysing how much sugar you’ve consumed.  Don’t forget, there are added sugars in cereals, milks, yoghurts, pastries, and many other foods.  You need to become a bit of a label detective!  However, it will pay dividends when it comes to improved digestion, overall health, and better weight management.

Why not give your digestive system an overhaul this month?

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All images: Shutterstock


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