Natural ways to help reduce stress using nutrients and herbs


Suffering from stress or feeling stressed much of the time, can be a common occurrence for many of us.  This often converts into feelings of anxiety and other mental health issues.  Whilst we can’t eradicate stress altogether, there are many ways that nutrients and herbs can help ourselves to cope better and to reduce these feelings.

Clinical Nutritionist Suzie Sawyer shares her top five.

Suzie HFMA V4


The mineral magnesium is often referred to as ‘the relaxing mineral’. This is because amongst its many jobs in the body, it helps the muscles to relax. Magnesium also plays a key role in the central nervous system, so it can really help relaxation and, in turn sleep.

A range of foods containing magnesium

In terms of foods, there are plenty you can choose from that are rich in magnesium such as avocados, leafy greens, legumes such as lentils and chickpeas, oily fish, even dark chocolate! The main thing to remember about magnesium is that you can’t find it in refined foods, so clean eating is key. Supplementation with the magnesium glycinate form could also be helpful if you’re really feeling the stress.


We are often deficient in this hard-working mineral because, just like magnesium, it’s only found in whole foods. Zinc is needed for almost everything that goes on in the body.  This is because it’s essential for the many enzyme reactions that keep the body functioning. These include the production of brain neurotransmitters, hence plenty of zinc is needed to support our brain function and help us through stressful situations.

A range of foods containing the mineral Zinc

Oysters provide the richest source of zinc, which are not everyone’s favourite food! The good news is that red meat, fish, eggs, whole grains, and dairy are also good sources.

Vitamin B5

Otherwise known as pantothenic acid, vitamin B5 is needed for the adrenal glands, which produce our stress hormones, to fire correctly. Just as magnesium is known as the ‘anti-stress mineral’, the same can be said of pantothenic acid as a vitamin. It’s also essential in the manufacture of energy, so if you’re eating plenty, you should feel better in a number of ways.


Liver is one of the best sources of vitamin B5.  Although it’s a food that‘s dropped out of popularity, if you can get to like it liver is one of the most nutritious foods we can eat. It can be simply and lightly pan fried in a little olive oil and served with plenty of vegetables, including some delicious, creamy mashed potato.

Siberian ginseng

Cleary, ginseng has been used for centuries to great effect for stress but also for encouraging positive feelings of wellbeing.

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There are a number of different types of ginseng, but Siberian has a gentler effect on the nervous system.   It is great used in a tea; a couple of cups a day will be beneficial. Research also suggests it might help us to live longer because it helps to regenerate the mitochondria, the energy producing part of every cell.  That’s got to make it worth having a cuppa or two!

Rhodiola rosea

Rhodiola is another herb that has been used for centuries with some really positive health benefits. There has been plenty of robust research on rhodiola, confirming that it helps reduce cortisol levels (which are raised when we’re stressed), which then helps create feelings of calm.

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Many people have reported, and research confirms, that whilst taking Rhodiola rosea, they felt better able to cope with stressful times or specific events. It also helps energy production. This is helpful for people suffering from adrenal burnout: it can re-balance the whole system and get hormone levels back into range.

Alongside a well-balanced diet, relaxation techniques, and exercise, why not try these nutrients and herbs to help with stress?

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How to feed your skin from the inside: the top 5 nutrients you need to know about.


Our skin is the largest organ in the body. Therefore, just like any other organ, it needs to be fed and nurtured.  Indeed, what we do from the inside has a profound effect on the health of the skin on the outside. 

The good news is that there are some great skin-loving nutrients that we can call on to help us obtain lovely glowing, fresh-looking skin.

Clinical Nutritionist Suzie Sawyer shares her five top skin-loving nutrients.

Suzie HFMA V4

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is one of our busiest throughout the body especially when it comes to immune health.  However, it’s also one of our most powerful antioxidant vitamins, which means it helps to protect the skin from environmental toxins and pollutants.  These can accelerate the ageing process and cause those much-hated wrinkles!

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However, vitamin C is also needed to produce collagen, the body’s most abundant protein.  Collagen is essential for skin structure which also has a bearing on how the skin ages.  As vitamin C is water-soluble, it needs to be eaten very regularly which means consuming lots of colourful fruits and vegetables.  Strawberries, broccoli, red peppers, blueberries and kiwis are especially rich in vitamin C, but all fruits and veggies are good sources.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is another powerful antioxidant vitamin and works together with vitamin C.  It makes sense, therefore, to ensure your diet contains optimal amounts of both. Vitamin E is also great at reducing any inflammation, so if you’re troubled by skin conditions such as eczema or dermatitis, it may help manage the conditions.

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One of the best sources of vitamin E are avocados: these beautiful green wonders also provide some protein and good fats too, other nutrients that are key for skin health. Why not enjoy smashed avocado on seeded sourdough bread for breakfast, sprinkled with pumpkin seeds?

And talking of pumpkin seeds…


Pumpkin seeds are great source of zinc!  The mineral zinc is another busy nutrient involved in many key jobs throughout the body.  However, it’s very important for growth and repair, of which our skin also benefits. Zinc will not only help protect your skin from sun damage (it’s a powerful antioxidant), it will help heal any wounds, but also ensure that skin cells are renewing and repairing as they should.

A range of foods containing the mineral Zinc

Where to find zinc in foods?  It’s widely available but is especially rich in oysters and other seafoods.  Eggs, red meat, whole grains, nuts and seeds are also great food choices.

Omega-3 fats

These are known as the ‘essential’ omega-3s. This is because the body can’t make omega-3s so they have to be eaten regularly. This is the main reason that there is widespread deficiency in western populations. Oily fish such as salmon, sardines and mackerel are the best sources which are not always popular food choices. Flaxseeds and chia seeds are good plant sources, however.

A range of foods containing healthy Omega-3 fats


Omega-3s are part of our cellular make up and help to keep skin hydrated at a very deep level in the body.  Many of us who suffer with dry skin may not be having sufficient omega-3s, hence the cells are not able to maintain good hydration levels.  Omega-3 are also going to be helpful if you’ve got some kind of skin inflammatory condition.


Selenium is yet another antioxidant mineral which will protect your skin from the sun and external pollutants.  Indeed, antioxidants work in the body both inside and out.  Believe it or not, we create our own free radicals which have to be safely disposed of, hence the need for nutrients like selenium.  If you’re trying to fight off the ageing process (and who can honestly say they aren’t!), then selenium is a great ally when it comes to pro-age.

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One of the best sources of selenium are Brazil nuts (just three a day is helpful), as well as tuna and other seafood, meat, whole grains, beans, and lentils.

There are many other nutrients that are important for skin health, but eating more of my top five is really going to help your skin to glow. What we do on the inside can really pay dividends on how we look on the outside.

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Three top nutrients to support your immunity this winter



The immune system is of course responsible for keeping us well and free from all manner of illness and disease.  However, as winter approaches, there are always some nasty bugs going around, so the immune system needs to be in good shape to fight off any unwanted invaders.

Clinical Nutritionist Suzie Sawyer shares her three top nutrients to help you bat away the bugs this winter.

Suzie HFMA V4Whilst many nutrients (essentially vitamins and minerals), botanicals and herbal remedies provide great immune support, there are three nutrients that really top the charts.


Vitamin C

As with all nutrients, vitamin C doesn’t have only one job, but it is a powerhouse when it comes to immunity.  It helps to uprate white blood cell production, essential for a healthy immune system, is antiviral, antibacterial and ‘anti’ most bugs that we don’t want!  Vitamin C is also one of our most powerful antioxidants, protecting the body against free radical damage, which in turn supports the immune system.

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The great news is that whilst it’s easily lost in food storage, preparation and cooking, vitamin C is found in a multitude of foods, essentially all fruits and vegetables. Interestingly, thousands of years ago, humans were able to produce their own vitamin C, just like many animals do, but we’ve now lost that ability, therefore, we need to eat plenty of foods rich in vitamin C.

Close up of woman's hands holding a bowl of warming soupAt this time of year, the richest sources are broccoli, spinach, kale, oranges, tomatoes, peas and kiwi.  All root vegetables, which are in season now, are also great sources.  Why not prepare some warming soups which include as many veggies as possible; it’s a great and easy way of getting more vitamin C into the body.

Vitamin D

We’ve learnt so much more about the wonders of vitamin D, particularly since the Covid pandemic.  Research found that people with low blood levels of vitamin D were at risk of poorer outcomes if they caught Covid.  Vitamin D is a busy vitamin when it comes to jobs in the body, which include hormonal balance too.  However, in terms of the immune system, it’s non-negotiable: just like vitamin C, vitamin D supports white blood cell production.

A range of foods containing vitamin D


The biggest challenge with vitamin D is getting enough.  The simple truth is that whilst it’s available in foods including oily fish, margarine and mushrooms, we need much more than can be found in foods.  Plus, the form of vitamin D in foods has to be converted in the liver and kidneys and some people are poor converters, leaving them at more risk from deficiency. 

Vitamin D and a sunshine symbol written in the sandThe best source is from the sunlight, and whilst it still needs to be converted into the active form, more can be stored in the body: which leaves a massive problem during the darker winter months.  Supplementation is key (Government guidelines are to take a supplement of at least 10 micrograms daily) but many people need much more than this. Supplements of vitamin D3 are readily available in all health food shops.


The mineral zinc is another workhorse when it comes to the immune system. And in fact, it fulfils a wide range of roles in the body: there are probably no body systems when zinc isn’t needed in some way.  When it comes to the immune system, zinc is essential for helping manage our innate immunity; simply put, the part we were born with. Obviously, the immune system needs to be constantly fed with the right nutrients in order to maintain its care over us. If you’ve got white spots on more than three of your fingernails, this may indicate you have a zinc deficiency.

A range of foods containing the mineral Zinc

Luckily, zinc is available in a wide range of foods including seafood (oysters are the highest), nuts, whole grains, red meat, breakfast cereals such as whole grain oats, and dairy produce.

Preparing for winter doesn’t need to be too challenging.  And if you can stay ‘bug-free’ by including these nutrients in your diet this season, that’s even better!

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Discover the amazing nutritional benefits of the pumpkin family this Halloween

Pumpkins carved into lanterns

It’s Halloween week! Not only do many of us love the spooky festivities; Halloween also provides the opportunity to enjoy eating foods belonging to the nutritious pumpkin family. 

Clinical Nutritionist, Suzie Sawyer, shares her four favourites from the pumpkin family.

Suzie HFMA V4Properly named the Cucurbitaceae family, it’s got plenty of members, around 975 species of food and ornamental plants.  However, let’s take a closer look at just four of them, and hopefully you’ll be eating and enjoying at least one over the coming week and throughout the winter months.




Clearly the most talked about at this time of year.  And whilst they look lovely as lanterns, pumpkins are very healthy too. Also known as winter squash, pumpkins are an excellent source of beta carotene, just like other orange fruits and vegetables.  Beta carotene is a powerful antioxidant, so it helps protect the body from illness, but is also converted into vitamin A, which is essential for the immune system, as the body needs it. Pumpkins are also rich in vitamin E, another powerful antioxidant, and great for the skin and heart too.

Whilst they might seem a little overwhelming to cook, there are loads of ways of eating pumpkins; roasted, mashed, stuffed, used in soups and winter stews, or even made into pumpkin pie.

A bowl of Pumpkin soup

Pumpkins are actually two foods in one: there’s the fleshy part of course but pumpkin seeds are also incredibly nutritious. They’re rich in zinc (essential for the immune system), magnesium (needed for the nervous system and sleep) and potassium (also essential for the nervous system and a healthy heart).  These too can be roasted and eaten as a tasty snack.


A range of courgettes

Often called ‘zucchini’ or referred to as ‘summer squash’, courgettes are a type of small, young marrow. As with many fruits and vegetables, most of the nutrients are found on the skin, plus they contain lots of antioxidants.

Whilst courgettes are especially rich in beta carotene, they’re also a great source of vitamin C (one of our most hardworking vitamins) and folate, a member of the important B-vitamin family.  Folate fulfils many roles in the body, but is essential for repairing DNA, so it can hopefully help us to keep young and vibrant.

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Courgettes can be eaten raw in salads, but at this time of year, they’re good roasted, stuffed or stir fried with a little garlic.  Obviously, they’re great very lightly boiled too.


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Whilst both pumpkin and squash can often look similar (and there are many varieties of squash) they are different vegetables, although belonging to the same family. They both have tough outer skins (which are not edible) and fleshy orange interiors.

However, squash are no less nutritious than pumpkins, particular in their vitamin A and vitamin C content and are especially rich in dietary fibre. Fibre is essential for helping to feed the good gut bacteria, which in turn supports the immune system, mental wellbeing, hormones, skin and much more besides.


Of course, squash is also incredibly versatile when it comes to how it should be eaten: roasted, sautéed, used in soups and stews, steamed with some delicious herbs.  Whichever you choose, do make sure you eat some this Halloween or certainly during the winter months.


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Cucumbers tend to be associated with the summer months, when they’ll often feature in salads, as part of a crudité plate, or in ice cool drinks.  And to be fair, that’s probably the best ways of eating cucumber.

Green leaf salad with avocado and cucumber

Whilst cucumbers are very low in calories, and contain some vitamin C, they are not especially rich in nutrients. However, one of their biggest claims to fame is their high water-content (around 96%) which makes them a great diuretic for those suffering from water retention. They also help cleanse the kidneys or to rehydrate after a heavy workout. 

So why not add some of these delicious foods to your diet this Halloween and indeed throughout the winter months too.

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Eating with the seasons: nutritional foods for January


It’s always important to eat with the seasons and as nature intended, to gain the biggest health benefits.  And for many of us, trying to be as healthy as possible during January is very much at the front of our minds.

Nature has provided what the body needs at certain times of year, plus if you buy locally grown produce, nutrient content will generally be better and it’s kinder to the environment too.

Clinical Nutritionist, Suzie Sawyer, shares her top five in-season foods for January.


Jerusalem Artichokes

Top of my list has to be this amazing vegetable. They are supremely healthy and provide a really useful addition to the diet. 

Jerusalem artichokes are loaded with a prebiotic fibre called inulin which is incredibly healthy for the gut.  The gut houses billions of bacteria (hopefully more good bacteria than bad), but they need feeding with this kind of fibre for the gut to remain healthy. 

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A healthy gut supports a healthy mind, the immune system, hormones, digestion, skin and so much more. Jerusalem artichokes are also a rich source of vitamin C, potassium, and iron, which are all frequently deficient in the daily diet. Serve them roasted in a little olive oil.


A member of the super-healthy cabbage family, kale is not always popular, partly because of its bitter taste and often tough texture.  However, this is much improved when eaten seasonally and with some other flavourings such as garlic and soy sauce.


The health benefits are certainly forthcoming, especially because kale contains a plant compound called sulforaphane, which has been found to help prevent some of our nasty degenerative diseases.  Kale is also a rich source of calcium to help support strong bones and Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E – all important antioxidants.


Pomegranates are slightly strange to look at because of their mass of tiny seeds.  However, these seeds are nutritional powerhouses, and have some of the highest levels of antioxidants of all fruits. This is probably one of the reasons that research has found them to be especially beneficial for brain health; they can help protect this vital organ from free radical damage. Additionally, they are loaded with fibre so are great for the digestive system.


Just like many fruits, pomegranates work well in sweet or savoury dishes, and are a particular favourite with salty cheeses and walnuts, making a great salad trio.  Moreover, it’s lovely to see some vibrant colours on the plate when the weather is so grey outside!


Clearly the UK climate is not going to support the growing of oranges, but they are certainly at their best at this time of year, imported generally from Spain.  Whilst it’s always best to eat locally grown produce, it’s difficult when we want to gain the wonderful health benefits of a food we simply can’t grow in any meaningful numbers.

A bowl of oranges

Oranges are a great source of vitamin C.  As this vitamin is water-soluble and easily destroyed during storage, preparation and cooking, oranges are probably best eaten in their raw state to gain maximum health benefits. They also contain good levels of folate which will help to give energy levels a boost too.


Oysters are available all year round but are certainly good at this time of year, and can be sourced from UK waters, especially around Colchester and Whitstable.

Oysters become especially important coming into February with Valentine’s Day looming.  Oysters are often referred to as ‘aphrodisiacs’ or ‘the food of love’.  The reason for this is that they contain really high amounts of the mineral zinc, essential for healthy reproduction.  There is always some truth behind these ‘old wives’ tales!

A plate of fresh oysters

Oysters also contain other minerals, including calcium, iron, magnesium and the antioxidant, selenium.  Importantly, they’re a rich source of iodine which is frequently lacking in typical western diets and is essential for cognitive function, especially in the developing foetus. 

So, why not add some of these season foods into your diet this January and reap the nutritional benefits?


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What are the health benefits of cheese?


Cheese features highly in many people’s diets.  In fact, more people are often in love with cheese than chocolate!  It not only tastes delicious, in all its various guises, but it provides many health benefits. 

There are a wide variety of cheeses with the only common theme being they are made from the same basic ingredient – milk (except for vegan cheese – more on that later).

Cheese is often given a bad rap from a health perspective because of its relatively high fat content.  However, various studies have found many positive benefits of eating cheese, in moderation!

Clinical Nutritionist, Suzie Sawyer, shares the various types of cheeses, together with their health benefits.

Let’s start with the basics: what is cheese?

Essentially, cheese making involves coagulating the milk protein, casein, separating the milk into solid curds and draining the liquid whey.  This is the process we often see on TV with the large vats of what looks a lot like cottage cheese with big separators moving the liquid around.


Many cheeses are produced from cow’s milk, but they can also come from other animals such as sheep, buffalo, and goat, all of which produce different flavours. Goat’s milk is higher in water than cows milk so yields less cheese, and the cheeses are usually softer.

Cheeses and their moisture content

The moisture content affects both taste and texture.  An example of a low moisture hard cheese is Parmesan, and medium moisture would be cheddar.


High moisture cheese is soft and an example of this would be mozzarella. A cheese with very high moisture is cottage cheese.


Unripened soft cheeses, such as cottage, have a very light texture with little flavour, and ripened ones such as Camembert have mould added to the outside of the cheese which produces protein-digesting enzymes: these also have a stronger flavour.


Certain hard cheeses such as Stilton have mould added during the cheese-making process and they are then pierced with metal rods, creating air channels, and the mould you see grows within the cheese. This also creates their distinctive flavours.


What about the health benefits?

The nutritional profile of cheese is going to vary depending on the variety. However, all cheese is a great source of protein, with cheddar cheese producing around 8 grams for every thumb-sized wedge and 120 calories. 

For the same number of calories, you can have half a cup of soft cheese which provides 14 grams of protein. Indeed, cottage cheese has a higher protein content than most others, and is lower in calories, hence if appears on many weight-loss programmes.


When it comes to micronutrients, cheese is a great source of calcium (highest in blue cheeses) which is essential for healthy bones, teeth, and muscles. Cheese also provides vitamin A (essential for immunity), vitamin B12 (needed for the nervous system and red blood cell production), zinc (important for the immune system and a range of body functions) and phosphorus, which works in tandem with calcium.


Cheese is also known to be high in fat, with halloumi, brie and camembert topping the leader board in this respect.  Additionally, some cheeses are high in sodium so intake may have to be watched if you have raised blood pressure and are salt sensitive.

What about vegan cheese?

With the rise in veganism, many vegans, understandably, don’t want to miss out on their cheese hit.  The good news is there are myriad vegan cheeses available, made from some form of vegetable proteins such as brown rice, nuts, coconut oil, soy, peas, and tapioca; it really comes down to personal taste preference.


However, as nutritional yeast is a great protein and nutrient source for vegans, do try and choose vegan cheeses that contains this amazing food.  Nutritional yeast is rich in protein but also B-vitamins, and essential minerals including iron, and potassium.

Cheese can certainly provide a healthy and nutrient-dense addition to any balanced eating plan so enjoy!



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Nutritional tips to support brain function

A plate with a picture of a brain on to represent eating healthily to support a sharper brain

Having a foggy brain is not uncommon and can affect people at any age.  However, brain function does noticeably decline in our 50s and accelerates as we get older. The good news is that we can do so much to support brain function and the sooner we start the better. 

The brain uses about 25% of all the energy we take in as food. It is a highly complex organ and acts as the command centre for the nervous system; as such it needs a wide range of nutrients to effectively perform its many functions.

Clinical Nutritionist, Suzie Sawyer, shares three of her top nutrients to help support your brain.

Omega-3 fish oils

Omega 3s play a key role in brain health.  The brain is made up of 60% fat, much of which are the essential omegas (essential because the body can’t make them, so they need to feature in the diet). In general, the UK population has a lack of these through not eating enough in the diet.

A range of foods containing healthy Omega-3 fats

Deficiency is mainly down to omega-3s only being found predominantly in oily fish such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines – foods that are not widely eaten.  Omega-3s are also found in flaxseeds, nuts, and seeds but they have to be eaten very regularly to obtain what the body needs.

Ideally aim for one to two portions of oily fish every week and sprinkle at least one tablespoon of flaxseeds onto your cereal, yoghurt or in a smoothie every day.  Your brain will certainly thank you for it.


The mineral zinc is one of the busiest, being involved in around 300 different enzyme reactions in the body.  Zinc is significant when it comes to brain health because it’s needed for the production of those all-important brain neurotransmitters.  These include serotonin, needed for mood and motivation, and melatonin, essential for sleep.  Zinc is also used in the production of adrenaline and noradrenaline, essential neurotransmitters for the stress response.

A range of foods containing the mineral Zinc

In short, the brain can’t function without zinc.  Minerals are often referred to as ‘trace minerals’: they are of course needed in small amounts but are crucial to overall health.  Therefore, the diet should ideally be rich in foods containing zinc – think wholegrains, fish, meat, nuts, seeds, and eggs.  The best source of zinc is oysters, so never worry about enjoying them more regularly rather than as a treat.

It’s not that difficult to be slightly lacking in zinc, with white spots on the nails being a tell-tale deficiency sign.  General hormonal disruptions can also be a nudge that you need to eat more zinc-rich foods.

Vitamin B12

The family of B-vitamins all work together but vitamin B12 does stand out as one of the key members when it comes to brain health.  This is because it plays a role in one of the body’s most important biochemical reactions known as methylation.  Whilst it’s not necessary to understand methylation, it’s important to know that it can’t happen without vitamin B12, nor can the brain work correctly.

A range of foods containing Vitamin B12

As part of this biochemical process, memories are formed, and concentration and focus are achieved. Vitamin B12 is only found in animal produce, and in some fortified foods such as cereals.  Meat, fish, dairy, and eggs are the best sources, so vegetarians and vegans should consider taking a supplement to ensure the brain’s not missing out.

If your brain is feeling foggy or you’re lacking in energy (another sign you may be deficient in B12) then it might be time to increase your intake.

The brain is certainly a nutrient-hungry organ, but eating enough of these three nutrients is a really good start.


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Three nutrients to support your immunity this winter

Close up of a doctor holding a blackboard with Immune System written on it in chalk

It’s feeling decidedly chilly outside!  Unfortunately, winter is not too far away and with that normally comes the round of colds and infections.  And we’re being warned that we could face lots of bugs this winter. 

However, fore-warned is fore-armed in these situations so now is the perfect time to ensure you’re giving your body what it needs to fight off any invaders.

Clinical Nutritionist, Suzie Sawyer, shares her three top immune-supportive nutrients.

Vitamin D

This one has to be at the top of the list! We’ve learned so much more about vitamin D during and since the Covid pandemic, especially in terms of how essential it is for the immune system.

Clearly, we’ve had a good summer, during which time the body restore its reserves of vitamin D, as the sunlight hits the skin.  However, not everyone is in the sun, and it’s not clear just how much the body stores, and reserves are certainly not going to last all winter.

A range of foods containing vitamin D

Vitamin D is found in eggs, oily fish, mushrooms and dairy produce and some fortified foods.  However, it’s not in sufficient amounts and the body still needs to convert that vitamin D into the active D3 form which takes place in the kidneys.  It’s no surprise therefore that it is recommended that everyone takes a supplement of at least 10 micrograms through the darker, colder months of October to March.  This is the minimum amount to take – you may find you need to take much higher dosages, which is why it’s worth having your blood levels of vitamin D checked.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a real powerhouse within the immune system. It fulfils many functions but essentially supports the production of immune-fighting white blood cells.  Vitamin C is water-soluble which means it leaves the cells quite quickly, hence it needs to feature in the diet very regularly.

It’s good to know, therefore, that vitamin C is widely found in fruits and vegetables.  In fact, it’s in so many that there’s no real need to over-complicate things by picking and choosing those with the highest amounts!

A selection of fruit and vegetables high in Vitamin C

The best advice is to include plenty of colour in your meals and in this way, you’ll be eating a variety of fruits and vegetables and therefore essential nutrients. This is so important for health and, especially immunity, because fruits and vegetables are loaded with powerful antioxidants which help to protect the body.

The more stressed you are, the more Vitamin C is burned up by the body so if this sounds like you, you may find that it is helpful to take in even more Vitamin C by increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables.


One of the reasons why zinc makes its way onto the immune powerhouse list is because it’s involved in almost every aspect of immune function. Without sufficient zinc, many white blood cell functions, critical to immunity, stop working.

Just like vitamin C, zinc possesses anti-viral activity so it can help protect us against colds and flu.  However, the body needs zinc all the time within the body in order to do its work properly.

A range of foods containing the mineral Zinc

Zinc is widely available in plant and animal sources but not in the refined foods that many people eat in abundance.  Try to include more whole grains in the diet such as wholewheat bread and pasta, quinoa, and buckwheat, plus beans, nuts, oats, and fish.  Indeed, one of the highest food sources of zinc is oysters. So don’t wait until Valentine’s Day to eat some of these amazing aphrodisiacs!

Interestingly, zinc is involved in so many functions in the body, it can become marginally deficient quite easily.  Common signs of this are white spots on the fingernails, frequent infections, hormonal disruptions, poor taste and smell, and skin problems.

Start your winter immune preparations now and hopefully you’ll have an infection-free season


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Three nutrients for supporting your skin health this summer

Close up of a woman's head and shoulder from behind on a beach to represent summer skin

Skin is the largest organ of the body and having glowing, blemish-free skin is created from within and is mainly down to your diet.  Some people clearly have an easier time than others in terms of managing any skin conditions and there are of course genetic elements involved when it comes to how it behaves and how it ages.

There are some key nutrients that can really help improve the overall health and look of your skin. And at this time of year, when we tend to have more skin on show, it’s a great time to focus on the vitamins and minerals that can help support yours.

Clinical Nutritionist, Suzie Sawyer, shares her three top nutrients to support your skin.



The B-vitamin, biotin, has actually become a celebrity over the last few years, in the skincare stakes!  We are finding out more and more about its essential functions in skin health and how we can easily include more biotin into the daily diet, to great effect.

Foods containing the b vitamin Biotin

In terms of how it works, biotin essentially functions in the body as a co-factor helping to produce enzymes.  It’s these enzyme reactions that underpin everything the body does. Biotin is used in cell growth and replication which is why it can be so helpful for the skin.  Interestingly, a deficiency of biotin often presents as dry, scaly skin or dermatitis (an inflammatory skin condition).

shutterstock_355672364 nuts June17

Biotin is predominantly produced by the gut bacteria but if our good bacteria levels are not optimal (and that’s most of us) then it’s down to the daily diet (and supplementation) to give us what we need. Biotin is very rich in liver (which many of us don’t eat) but can also be found in soy-based foods, nuts, wholegrains, and lentils.  Just like all the B-vitamins, it’s water-soluble so isn’t stored in the body, which makes supplements even more useful, especially if your skin isn’t behaving as you would like.


Zinc is one of our busiest minerals, being involved in over 200 enzyme reactions.  It’s also found in very high concentrations in the skin and is involved in almost all body systems in some way, hence we can use it to very good effect for skin health.

A range of foods containing the mineral Zinc

Just like biotin, skin changes are often a sign of zinc deficiency and improvements in skin health can be quickly noticed when this deficiency is plugged.

A range of seeds on spoons

Zinc is rich in many plant-based foods which is great news for vegetarians and vegans.  Wholegrains, legumes, nuts, and seeds are good sources, but seafood (especially oysters) and red meat are great too.

Vitamin A

There are various forms of vitamin A, the most active being retinal and retinoic acid.  As with all vitamins, vitamin A provides many essential roles in the body including growth and repair, specifically of cell membranes, and this includes skin cell membranes.


Forms of retinoic acid have now been developed and are used very effectively in treating skin conditions but also in anti-ageing skin products.  However, vitamin A plays a key role in overall skin health (and much more besides) so we need to ensure there is sufficient in the diet.

Another complication with vitamin A is that it’s only found in animal produce.  The good news is that the body can convert beta-carotene found primarily in red, yellow and orange foods (carrots are great) into Vitamin A. However, some people have a genetic tendency not to convert as effectively as others.  Deficiency symptoms can often be noted as poor immunity, since vitamin A plays an essential role, as well as troublesome skin conditions and problems with the mucous membranes generally.

A range of colourful fruit and vegetables

Vitamin A is a very powerful antioxidant which helps protect the skin from sun damage and also supports the ageing process.  All in all, it’s going to be of great benefit to the skin inside and out!

Use the power of nature by increasing your intake of these vitamins and minerals in your diet and help your skin to glow from the inside out!



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All images: Shutterstock


Five nutrients to include in your diet every day


Nature has provided an amazing array of nutrients.  And it would be unfair to say that one is better than another because they all have a very valid place in helping to provide the body with great health.

However, there are certainly some superstars amongst them which are even more essential for our continued daily wellness.

Clinical Nutritionist Suzie Sawyer shares five of the best.


Vitamin D

Called the ‘sunshine vitamin’, we know the UK population is widely lacking in vitamin D, despite an active Government health campaign. 

It’s not easy to get to sufficient vitamin D from sunlight alone, even during the summer, therefore it’s important to take a supplement all year round. With so much robust research on vitamin D, we understand even more about the essential role it plays in our health.

A range of foods containing vitamin D

Vitamin D is not just needed for bones and teeth but its part in supporting the immune system is unequivocal.  Furthermore, if you’re feeling ‘sad’ you could be lacking in vitamin D.  It’s important for our mood too.

Vitamin B12

As with all the B-vitamins, Vitamin B12 is needed for many of the body’s biochemical reactions. It’s primarily found in animal produce, making vegetarians and vegans potentially more at risk from deficiency, but anyone can be lacking in B12.

A range of foods containing Vitamin B12

If you’re lacking specifically in vitamin B12, then you might notice it more than with other B-vitamins. If you’re unusually tired or your nerves are frayed, then you might need more B12.  If you’re vegetarian or vegan, a supplement is recommended, but for others, load up on liver, beef, tuna, sardines or fortified cereals and nutritional yeast.


If you’re suffering from muscle stiffness or poor sleep, the chances are you’re deficient in magnesium.  Since it works in balance with calcium, in areas where the water is especially ‘chalky, many people are lacking magnesium.

A range of foods containing magnesium

Magnesium is an extremely busy mineral and plays an essential role in many biochemical reactions in the body.  It’s needed for muscle relaxation hence poor sleep can result when there is insufficient magnesium in the body. If this sounds like you, then eat plenty of whole grains, green leafy vegetables, nuts, and seeds – all healthy foods too!


Zinc is involved in around 300 different enzyme reactions throughout the body.  In short, the body can’t function without zinc.  Whilst many people know it to be essential for the immune system (which it is), zinc is very important for hormone balance, the skin, bones, hair, and protection from disease.

A range of foods containing the mineral Zinc

Zinc is rich in meat, seafood, eggs, dairy, whole grains, nuts, and seeds.  Indeed, the best source of zinc is oysters, hence their reputation as being an aphrodisiac, linked to zinc’s role in hormone production. If you’ve white spots on five or more of your nails, you might be deficient in zinc, so do keep a watchful eye on intake.


Iodine is a trace mineral so is only needed in small amounts, but it still plays a vital role in the body.  Iodine is needed to produce thyroid hormones, for cognitive function and supports growth and development in children.  In short, it’s needed from the moment of conception and throughout life.

As part of its role in producing thyroid hormones, it’s needed to control metabolism.  If you’re struggling to lose weight or your hands and feet are permanently cold, you might be lacking in iodine. 

A range of foods containing iodine

Part of the issue with getting sufficient iodine is that it’s not present in many foods.  It can be found in dairy produce and fish such as cod and tuna. Seaweed is also a great source of iodine. Varieties include kelp, wakame and nori and are available in dried, flaked forms, which can easily be added to many dishes, without disturbing other tastes too much.

Take some time to review your diet, and ensure you’re not missing out on any of these essential nutrients.

Stay well.


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