Seasonal eating: what to enjoy this Spring


A bowl of fresh spinach leaves

We’re now well into the Spring season and with that comes some highly nutritious foods. If these aren’t on your current food radar, then why not make this the time to enjoy them at their best, when nature intended?

Clinical Nutritionist Suzie Sawyer shares her five top foods for this season, together with ideas on how to eat them.

Suzie HFMA V4

Jersey Royal Potatoes

A pan of just boiled jersey royal new potatoes

If you’ve not eaten Jersey Royals previously, you are seriously missing out on the tastiest potatoes on the planet! Grown lovingly in Jersey for over 140 years, its unique climate and soil has enabled these beauties to steal the show when it comes to potatoes.

As with all potatoes, Jersey Royals are rich in vitamin C, which is great for energy and a healthy immune system.  As Vitamin C is easily destroyed during storage and cooking, the fact that Jersey Royals’ farm to fork time is relatively short, is going to retain more vitamin C.  They also contain plenty of B vitamins to help with energy production and the breaking down of carbohydrates, also needed to keep our internal engine burning.


How to cook them? There are many recipes that can be enjoyed, but their flavour is so unique that simply boiling Jersey Royals, tossing them in butter and mint and serving with spring lamb, really can’t be beaten. Or why not create a refreshing potato salad.


A bowl of fresh spinach leaves

As with all green leafy veg, spinach provides a great array of nutritional goodness. Whilst it was thought spinach was the best source of iron, it’s actually richer in folate.  However, just like iron, folate is needed for healthy red blood cells and energy, hence the possible confusion.  No matter, folate is equally essential to health.

Spinach is also a rich source of beta carotene, the plant form of vitamin A, needed for the immune system and good eyesight.  Spinach contains another carotenoid, lutein, also great for the eyes, especially as we get older.


Spinach is extremely versatile but doesn’t have much natural taste so is great mixed with stronger flavours such as garlic or in a pasta or rice dish with pesto, to bring it alive.



Whilst bananas are obviously not grown in the UK, we heavily rely on them for our fruit fix. Windward bananas are in season right now: the Windward islands are located right at the bottom of the Caribbean where banana trees are a popular sight.

Bananas are a great source of vitamin B6, needed for the immune system, and potassium for a healthy heart.  They’re also rich in fibre so will help keep the bowels running smoothly.

Why not create some delicious banana chocolate ice-cream simply by whizzing up some frozen banana with cocoa powder for a guilt-free treat? They are also a great on-the-go snack.

Sea Trout

Trout with lemon wedges and herb

If you’ve only ever eaten farmed trout from the supermarket, you’re missing an absolute treat.  Sea trout has a much richer flavour and has a pinker colour down to it containing astaxanthin: this powerful antioxidant is part of the carotenoid family and is naturally produced by the algae eaten by the sea trout. 

As with all oily fish, trout is rich in the omega-3 fats, essential for hormone, heart, joint, eye, and brain health.  There’s no good reason not to try it this season.  Since the flavour is so delicious, the best way of eating sea trout is lightly grilled with a little butter, salt, pepper, and lemon juice.


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Watercress is another member of the healthy family of cruciferous vegetables. This family really has our back since they can help protect the body from nasty degenerative disease.  Additionally, the dark green colour of watercress ensures it’s rich in powerful antioxidants.

From a nutritional perspective, watercress is loaded with vitamin C and beta carotene, which is turned into vitamin A as the body needs it, both of which are protective of immune function.

A bowl of watercress soup

One of the easiest and most delicious ways with watercress is to create a soup.  There are no hard and fast rules on how to make it, but adding some additional flavours such as onions, potatoes, celery, nutmeg, a little milk, and some chicken stock will create a very tasty soup.

Enjoy these five seasonal foods this spring and reap the wonderful health benefits.

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All images: Shutterstock


Everything you need to know about asparagus



Asparagus which is currently in season is such a versatile vegetable: do you boil them, roast them, or steam them? The truth is that you can do all three for delicious results. Firstly, however, let’s explore their amazing health benefits, of which there are many.

Clinical Nutritionist Suzie Sawyer shares the nutritional benefits of asparagus.

Suzie HFMA V4

Asparagus provides prebiotics

Close up on woman's stomach with hands making a heart shape to show a healthy tummy


Prebiotics are food for the gut. Just like us, the good bacteria inside our gut, also known as probiotics, need to be fed.  Asparagus contains inulin, a type of insoluble fibre that is not broken down in the first part of digestion but reaches the large intestine where it’s able to work its magic. This fibre is a prebiotic that feeds the good guys, especially the important Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains.

Asparagus is good for the heart

CLose up of two hands making a heart shape with the sun in the background

In a world where heart disease is one of the leading causes of death, our most precious organ needs all the help it can get.  Asparagus provides a good number of B-vitamins, which together help to keep our biochemistry in good working order.

Asparagus also provides vitamin B2, vitamin B6 and folate which are important for managing an amino acid called homocysteine, of which raised levels have been implicated in heart disease.  With sufficient B vitamins (and some other nutrients), homocysteine levels can be managed.

Asparagus packs a nutrient punch

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Asparagus is loaded with vitamin C, which is essential for a heathy immune system, for energy and, importantly it’s one of our key antioxidant nutrients.  This means it can help protect the body from free radical damage, partly responsible for the ageing process.

Additionally, it’s rich in vitamin K, needed for healthy blood and for the blood clotting process, which is key to our very survival. Vitamin K also works alongside Vitamin D to support bone health.

Asparagus helps detoxification

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When it comes to detoxification asparagus is beneficial for a couple of reasons.  Firstly, asparagus contains some key nutrients, including choline and the B vitamins which are needed in the liver’s normal detoxification processes.

Secondly, asparagus is a natural diuretic, which means it helps to stop water retention by gently working on the kidneys to keep everything flushed through.  Just like all our organs, the liver and kidneys work extremely hard for us, especially in the overall detoxification process, so they certainly need all the help they can get.

Asparagus may help with weight management

Close up on woman's feet on a pair of scales with a measuring tape

This is great news and there are several reasons why asparagus may be helpful if you’re watching your weight.  Clearly the fact that it can help the body detoxify is going to indirectly help with weight loss.  If we’re hanging onto toxins, this can also mean we hold onto fat.

Importantly, asparagus helps balance blood sugar levels which is another key part of effective weight management.  If blood glucose and insulin levels are spiking, then there’s a constant shunting of glucose into the fat cells, which is certainly counter-productive in this situation.  Coupled with the fact that asparagus is low in calories and fat, and the fibre content helps to keep us feeling fuller for longer, it’s certainly going to be helpful for any of us who are watching our waistlines.

How to cook asparagus


The good news is that you have many options. It can be steamed, boiled, barbecued, roasted, or grilled and asparagus works with a wealth of other foods.

Asparagus can be simply roasted with a little olive oil and sprinkled with shaved Parmesan as a perfect vegetable dish, or it’s often served as a delicious starter in restaurants with a little hollandaise sauce on the side.

Enjoy this vegetable while it’s in season now and at its best.

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Natural ways to help reduce stress using nutrients and herbs


Suffering from stress or feeling stressed much of the time, can be a common occurrence for many of us.  This often converts into feelings of anxiety and other mental health issues.  Whilst we can’t eradicate stress altogether, there are many ways that nutrients and herbs can help ourselves to cope better and to reduce these feelings.

Clinical Nutritionist Suzie Sawyer shares her top five.

Suzie HFMA V4


The mineral magnesium is often referred to as ‘the relaxing mineral’. This is because amongst its many jobs in the body, it helps the muscles to relax. Magnesium also plays a key role in the central nervous system, so it can really help relaxation and, in turn sleep.

A range of foods containing magnesium

In terms of foods, there are plenty you can choose from that are rich in magnesium such as avocados, leafy greens, legumes such as lentils and chickpeas, oily fish, even dark chocolate! The main thing to remember about magnesium is that you can’t find it in refined foods, so clean eating is key. Supplementation with the magnesium glycinate form could also be helpful if you’re really feeling the stress.


We are often deficient in this hard-working mineral because, just like magnesium, it’s only found in whole foods. Zinc is needed for almost everything that goes on in the body.  This is because it’s essential for the many enzyme reactions that keep the body functioning. These include the production of brain neurotransmitters, hence plenty of zinc is needed to support our brain function and help us through stressful situations.

A range of foods containing the mineral Zinc

Oysters provide the richest source of zinc, which are not everyone’s favourite food! The good news is that red meat, fish, eggs, whole grains, and dairy are also good sources.

Vitamin B5

Otherwise known as pantothenic acid, vitamin B5 is needed for the adrenal glands, which produce our stress hormones, to fire correctly. Just as magnesium is known as the ‘anti-stress mineral’, the same can be said of pantothenic acid as a vitamin. It’s also essential in the manufacture of energy, so if you’re eating plenty, you should feel better in a number of ways.


Liver is one of the best sources of vitamin B5.  Although it’s a food that‘s dropped out of popularity, if you can get to like it liver is one of the most nutritious foods we can eat. It can be simply and lightly pan fried in a little olive oil and served with plenty of vegetables, including some delicious, creamy mashed potato.

Siberian ginseng

Cleary, ginseng has been used for centuries to great effect for stress but also for encouraging positive feelings of wellbeing.

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There are a number of different types of ginseng, but Siberian has a gentler effect on the nervous system.   It is great used in a tea; a couple of cups a day will be beneficial. Research also suggests it might help us to live longer because it helps to regenerate the mitochondria, the energy producing part of every cell.  That’s got to make it worth having a cuppa or two!

Rhodiola rosea

Rhodiola is another herb that has been used for centuries with some really positive health benefits. There has been plenty of robust research on rhodiola, confirming that it helps reduce cortisol levels (which are raised when we’re stressed), which then helps create feelings of calm.

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Many people have reported, and research confirms, that whilst taking Rhodiola rosea, they felt better able to cope with stressful times or specific events. It also helps energy production. This is helpful for people suffering from adrenal burnout: it can re-balance the whole system and get hormone levels back into range.

Alongside a well-balanced diet, relaxation techniques, and exercise, why not try these nutrients and herbs to help with stress?

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All images: Shutterstock


Get outdoors: three top energy tips to fuel your adventures

A woman out for a walk in the hills with her arms outstretched enjoying herself

It’s National Parks Fortnight which is a great opportunity and incentive to spend more time outdoors and explore some of your local beauty spots. And why not visit some new places too? 

A day of exploring requires good energy levels which many of us are lacking, especially after such a dull winter.

Clinical Nutritionist Suzie Sawyer shares her three top tips for putting a spring back into your step this season.

Suzie HFMA V4

Start the day right

It’s important to get the day off to a good start with a filling and energising breakfast. Those of us who struggle with blood sugar balance can find that our energy dips by early afternoon if we don’t start the day with a well-balanced breakfast.

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It’s important to get some protein, healthy fats, and carbs into your breakfast which will keep your energy levels up and hunger levels down.  One of the best choices is a poached egg and smashed avocado on seeded sourdough bread.  This ticks all the boxes. Whilst we often think that carbs fill us up and keep us going, it’s actually protein that provides sustained energy.  But in essence, you need all three macronutrients for the best outcomes.

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If you’re vegan, then why not go for some overnight oats with some plant-based yoghurt, fresh berries, nuts, and seeds.  Pumpkin seeds, walnuts, Brazils, and hazelnuts are the best choices as they contain all the essential and healthy omega-3 fats which keep joints moving smoothly. This is especially useful if you want to be more active.

If you are following an intermittent fasting routine, which often means eating later in the morning, make sure to enjoy breakfast earlier to ensure you are well fuelled ahead of your day out. 

Avoiding the afternoon slump

Starting the day right with a good, balanced, nutrient dense breakfast, is really going to help energy levels throughout the day.  However, if you have an active day planned, and you’ve had an early start, then you’re going to be feeling a little peckish by lunchtime.


Whilst packing some sandwiches can seem a little predictable, they are often one of the simplest, most energy dense and easily transportable options. Again, a combination of protein and carbohydrate is going to provide the best outcomes.  Any protein filling would work: think fish, chicken, eggs, hummus and salad, avocado (if you didn’t have it for breakfast) or some kind of cheese.

If you struggle with gluten-containing foods such as traditional bread, this can often encourage tiredness in the afternoon, which is not ideal. Why not look for gluten-free wraps, or pack a salad containing quinoa or rice along with your chosen protein?  This option also means you can get more of that all-important colour variety into your lunch. 

Whole beetroots

Whatever you choose, make sure you add some beetroot if possible.  Beetroot is known to help energy levels because it encourages more oxygen flow around the body and is a great help in any endurance sports.  It could be the support you need for powering up some hills if you’re out hiking!

Don’t forget to hydrate

With the warmer weather hopefully around the corner, it’s even more important to make sure you keep well hydrated.  You’ll be going nowhere fast if you’re dehydrated.  It really depends on how strenuous your day is going to be or how long you’ll be out for as to whether you need to pack an isotonic drink.  Isotonic drinks can help the body rehydrate quicker.

Close up of woman drinking a bottle of water in summer

Many sports drinks are laden with sweeteners which disrupt the gut microbiome. It is much better to pack plenty of bottled water (a 1.5 litre bottle is generally sufficient) but also make up a weak isotonic drink using some fruit juice lightly watered down. If you’re out and about, then there’s generally the opportunity for a cafe stop somewhere, which also increases the enjoyment of the day!

Fully enjoy your outdoor time over the next couple of weeks, and the coming months too, by being well fuelled and full of energy.

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All images: Shutterstock


Five of the best foods to support your gut health

shutterstock_408930358 happy tummy stomach July16

A happy tummy equals a happy life! We all know that if everything is working well with our digestive systems, we feel much better overall.  From a nutritional perspective, we always refer to the gut as the second brain, such is its importance in overall health and wellness.

There are a wide range of foods that can help keep our digestive systems in good working order. Clinical Nutritionist Suzie Sawyer shares her five favourites.

Suzie HFMA V4

Natural yoghurt

Natural live yoghurt is a great source of probiotics. Probiotics, or friendly bacteria as they are often known, are the microbes that live inside the gut and nourish the whole body.  So much of what goes on in the body is influenced by the gut bacteria. Indeed, they are absolutely essential for the gut to function correctly and for the digestive system to move as it should.

A bowl of natural yoghurt on a wooden background

The gut bacteria also help protect the gut from invading and unwanted bacteria, so they work as a great defence mechanism. They are also essential for a healthy immune system, for the brain, skin, and liver, to name but a few.  Why not add a couple of tablespoons of natural yoghurt to your morning cereal, or bowl of fresh fruit? It can also be used in a wide range of dishes – it makes a good substitute for cream.


Just like any living organism, the good bacteria inside us needs feeding too.  And bananas are filled with prebiotic fibres that do just that.  Essentially, prebiotics are non-digestible foods that stimulate the production of beneficial probiotics: they are its lifeblood.

Whole bananas and diced banana

Bananas are not only an easily transportable snack, but they’re also rich in vitamin B6, needed for energy production, and potassium, great for the heart. Their natural fibre will also help to keep everything regular too!


This amazing plant has many claims to fame when it comes to gut health.  Not only does it work as a prebiotic, feeding the beneficial bacteria, but it has wonderful antimicrobial and antibacterial properties.  This means it can help see off any unwanted bacteria and yeast too.  If you eat it regularly (or take it in supplement form) prior to a foreign trip, it can also help prevent traveller’s diarrhoea.

A basket with whole cloves of garlic

If that wasn’t enough, garlic is also great for heart, helping reduce blood pressure and keeping blood free flowing. Garlic can be added to many dishes, also enhancing their taste.


Made from fermented soya beans, miso tends to be used in sauces and marinades.  However, miso does make a great soup too.

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Fermented soya is a staple food in many eastern cultures where they seem to have better gut health.  The key is the fermentation process as this activates many beneficial processes within the gut.

As another bonus, fermented soya products, including miso, are widely eaten by Japanese women, who have lower rates of breast cancer than in western cultures.  This may be partly down to the isoflavones within the soya produce that helps balance oestrogen levels.

Olive oil

Whilst it’s not recommended to consume litres of olive oil, using it regularly in cooking and pouring over salads and vegetables is to be recommended.

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Olive oil is rich in polyphenols, plant compounds that deliver so much love to the gut and overall health too.  Polyphenols feed the good gut bacteria but also provide an array of antioxidants which help protect the whole body from nasty degenerative diseases.

Research has found that olive oil may reduce inflammation in the gut, which also helps with bloating and improving digestion generally.

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