Suzie’s Five Favourite Seasonal Foods

Woman smiling with a bowl of strawberries, holding on strawberry up to her mouth

To celebrate the change of seasons, here are my top five fruits and vegetables available in May, together with all the wonderful reasons I love them so much.

Suzie HFMA V4

Spring cabbage

Spring cabbage is very different from the hard, light green or red cabbages on offer at other times of the year. Spring cabbages have darker green, softer leaves: these guys are the first cabbages of the year.


Just like all types of cabbages, their nutritional benefits are amazing.  As one of the members of the cruciferous vegetable family, they’re super nutritious. Cabbages are very rich in vitamin C, great for the immune system, and vitamin K which is essential for the heart and bones. Plus, all cabbages are great for liver detoxification.  And for women struggling with hormones, this process can also help with hormone balancing.  What’s not to like!


A rich source of vitamin C, raspberries are both delicious and nutritious.  Vitamin C is not just needed for the immune system, it’s also essential for the health of the skin, bones, and teeth. It helps the body to absorb iron from food and is also a powerful antioxidant, protecting the body from degenerative diseases.

A punnet of fresh raspberries

Raspberries also contain some vitamin E, great for the skin, which is unusual as this vitamin is generally found in vegetable oils, nuts, and seeds. Vitamin E is also a key antioxidant nutrient. Raspberries are rich in plant compounds called flavonoids which deliver so much goodness to the body. 

They make a great snack and work well with other traditional summer fruits, such as strawberries and blueberries, in a fruit salad or as part of a pavlova for a real treat.


I’m a little biased, I must confess, when it comes to talking about members of the cruciferous vegetable family, which includes cauliflower! They deliver so much nutritional goodness but are also helpful when it comes to motivating our biochemistry do what it should be doing.

Cauliflower cheese

One great example of this is helping to detoxify the liver.  It’s not just the fibre content that is useful: cauliflowers also contain enzymes that help the process, plus encourage our own enzyme production.

You may find that you don’t like the sulphur smell that can sometimes come from cauliflower whilst it’s being cooked.  This is due to sulphoraphane in cruciferous vegetables that helps protect the body from some of our nasty degenerative diseases.  If we remember that, and keep the lid on the pan, all will be well!


Strawberries and raspberries are often thought as of similar fruits, although their nutritional profile is quite different.  Strawberries often get better ‘press’ perhaps because they are often on the menu at some traditional British events, such as Wimbledon. Plus, they are synonymous with warmer weather.

a punnet of strawberries

Whilst raspberries are slightly higher in most micronutrients, strawberries contain some of the highest amounts of vitamin C of any fruit or vegetable. And their lovely rich red colour ensures they contain loads of antioxidants too, which protects the immune system. Strawberries also contain a good amount of fibre which keeps the digestive system running sweetly.

Wild garlic

Step out into any woodland now, and the smell of garlic certainly pervades the atmosphere.  Both the dark green leaves and the bulb provide some amazing health benefits.

When it comes to foraging in the woods, it’s ok to just pick what you need but do try not to dig up loads of garlic roots.  The dark green leaves can be added to salads and are especially helpful at detoxifying the blood.


In terms of the bulbs, their health benefits are very far reaching.  They can help to reduce blood pressure and also work as an antimicrobial in the gut, plus help to fight off yeast overgrowth.  Garlic is a natural antiviral and antibacterial plant, and also supports immune health.

There are not many savoury dishes that don’t benefit from some garlic, either the leaves or bulb. Go for curries, vegetable sides, soups, and salads.

Why not add my five favourite in-season foods to your meal plans this May?

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All images: Shutterstock


Five nutritional tips to support your walking adventures

A woman out for a walk in the hills with her arms outstretched enjoying herself

It’s National Walking Month which is a great excuse to spend more time outdoors.  Walking is one of the best forms of exercises for both mind and body.  And if you want to get the most out of your walking, then having the right nutrition will really support your outdoor adventures.

Clinical Nutritionist Suzie Sawyer shares her top five nutrients to help you get the most out of your walks.

Suzie HFMA V4

B-vitamins for energy

Close up of woman with arms outstretched, smiling in a forest

The family of eight B-vitamins all work individually in the body but work together when it comes to energy production.  Essentially, they extract the energy from the food we eat.  Whilst they all do slightly different things, B-vitamins primarily act as co-factors in the hundreds of enzyme reactions going on throughout the body.

Foods containing the b vitamin Biotin

For example, biotin, one of the family members, is primarily made in the gut, which is impaired if digestive function is not as good as it could be.  One of its main jobs is the utilisation of fats (which we use for energy) and the metabolism of sugar, which is broken down into glucose (the body’s main source of energy).

The good news is that biotin can also be found in soy produce, mushrooms, nuts, organ meats, eggs, and whole wheat.  However, it’s as important to be mindful of how well everything is running for you, on the inside too.

Calcium and Vitamin D for joints, muscles, and bones

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These two amazing nutrients are literally joined at the hip! They are both essential for the health of the entire musculoskeletal system, which of course is very important for walking.

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body, with our bones containing 99% of the body’s calcium.  However, calcium can’t get into the bones without vitamin D, hence their very close relationship.

A range of foods containing calcium

Whilst calcium is rich in dairy and soy produce, green leafy vegetables and nuts and seeds, vitamin D is not found in sufficient amounts in foods.  Indeed, vitamin D is primarily made on the skin when the sun comes out.  Whilst you might be hoping for some sunshine on your walks, most of us generally need a daily supplement of at least 10ug.  At this time of year, any deficiency of vitamin D is often most noticeable because we’re just coming out of the dull winter months.

Vitamin C for immune support

Close up of a doctor holding a blackboard with Immune System written on it in chalk

It’s no fun going for a walk (especially a longer one) if you’re feeling below par.  That’s where vitamin C really has your back!  It’s one of our main immuno-protective vitamins so it’s worth making sure you’re having plenty in the diet.

A selection of fruit and vegetables high in Vitamin C

Thankfully, vitamin C is very widely available in most fruits and vegetables so just keep your plates super-colourful at each meal. Red peppers, strawberries, kiwi fruits, broccoli, potatoes, and Brussels sprouts are loaded with vitamin C.  However, it’s worth noting that vitamin C is also easily destroyed during cooking, storage, and preparation, so eat a rainbow everyday to make sure you are getting enough.

Vitamin E for antioxidant protection


Antioxidant foods help protect the body from all that life throws at it.  Sunlight, pollution, stress, poor diet, trans fats and more, create free radicals within the body which need to be controlled by antioxidants. The body has its own protective antioxidant systems and certain nutrients are very helpful in this way too.

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One of our most powerful antioxidant nutrients is vitamin E, which also works with vitamin C, in looking after everything on the outside and inside too. Importantly, antioxidants support the ageing process and vitamin E is great for the skin too.

Avocados are a good source of vitamin E, as are vegetable oils, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and leafy greens.

With the right nutrition, your body will support you every step of the way.

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All images: Shutterstock


Seasonal eating: what to enjoy this Spring


A bowl of fresh spinach leaves

We’re now well into the Spring season and with that comes some highly nutritious foods. If these aren’t on your current food radar, then why not make this the time to enjoy them at their best, when nature intended?

Clinical Nutritionist Suzie Sawyer shares her five top foods for this season, together with ideas on how to eat them.

Suzie HFMA V4

Jersey Royal Potatoes

A pan of just boiled jersey royal new potatoes

If you’ve not eaten Jersey Royals previously, you are seriously missing out on the tastiest potatoes on the planet! Grown lovingly in Jersey for over 140 years, its unique climate and soil has enabled these beauties to steal the show when it comes to potatoes.

As with all potatoes, Jersey Royals are rich in vitamin C, which is great for energy and a healthy immune system.  As Vitamin C is easily destroyed during storage and cooking, the fact that Jersey Royals’ farm to fork time is relatively short, is going to retain more vitamin C.  They also contain plenty of B vitamins to help with energy production and the breaking down of carbohydrates, also needed to keep our internal engine burning.


How to cook them? There are many recipes that can be enjoyed, but their flavour is so unique that simply boiling Jersey Royals, tossing them in butter and mint and serving with spring lamb, really can’t be beaten. Or why not create a refreshing potato salad.


A bowl of fresh spinach leaves

As with all green leafy veg, spinach provides a great array of nutritional goodness. Whilst it was thought spinach was the best source of iron, it’s actually richer in folate.  However, just like iron, folate is needed for healthy red blood cells and energy, hence the possible confusion.  No matter, folate is equally essential to health.

Spinach is also a rich source of beta carotene, the plant form of vitamin A, needed for the immune system and good eyesight.  Spinach contains another carotenoid, lutein, also great for the eyes, especially as we get older.


Spinach is extremely versatile but doesn’t have much natural taste so is great mixed with stronger flavours such as garlic or in a pasta or rice dish with pesto, to bring it alive.



Whilst bananas are obviously not grown in the UK, we heavily rely on them for our fruit fix. Windward bananas are in season right now: the Windward islands are located right at the bottom of the Caribbean where banana trees are a popular sight.

Bananas are a great source of vitamin B6, needed for the immune system, and potassium for a healthy heart.  They’re also rich in fibre so will help keep the bowels running smoothly.

Why not create some delicious banana chocolate ice-cream simply by whizzing up some frozen banana with cocoa powder for a guilt-free treat? They are also a great on-the-go snack.

Sea Trout

Trout with lemon wedges and herb

If you’ve only ever eaten farmed trout from the supermarket, you’re missing an absolute treat.  Sea trout has a much richer flavour and has a pinker colour down to it containing astaxanthin: this powerful antioxidant is part of the carotenoid family and is naturally produced by the algae eaten by the sea trout. 

As with all oily fish, trout is rich in the omega-3 fats, essential for hormone, heart, joint, eye, and brain health.  There’s no good reason not to try it this season.  Since the flavour is so delicious, the best way of eating sea trout is lightly grilled with a little butter, salt, pepper, and lemon juice.


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Watercress is another member of the healthy family of cruciferous vegetables. This family really has our back since they can help protect the body from nasty degenerative disease.  Additionally, the dark green colour of watercress ensures it’s rich in powerful antioxidants.

From a nutritional perspective, watercress is loaded with vitamin C and beta carotene, which is turned into vitamin A as the body needs it, both of which are protective of immune function.

A bowl of watercress soup

One of the easiest and most delicious ways with watercress is to create a soup.  There are no hard and fast rules on how to make it, but adding some additional flavours such as onions, potatoes, celery, nutmeg, a little milk, and some chicken stock will create a very tasty soup.

Enjoy these five seasonal foods this spring and reap the wonderful health benefits.

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All images: Shutterstock


Everything you need to know about asparagus



Asparagus which is currently in season is such a versatile vegetable: do you boil them, roast them, or steam them? The truth is that you can do all three for delicious results. Firstly, however, let’s explore their amazing health benefits, of which there are many.

Clinical Nutritionist Suzie Sawyer shares the nutritional benefits of asparagus.

Suzie HFMA V4

Asparagus provides prebiotics

Close up on woman's stomach with hands making a heart shape to show a healthy tummy


Prebiotics are food for the gut. Just like us, the good bacteria inside our gut, also known as probiotics, need to be fed.  Asparagus contains inulin, a type of insoluble fibre that is not broken down in the first part of digestion but reaches the large intestine where it’s able to work its magic. This fibre is a prebiotic that feeds the good guys, especially the important Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains.

Asparagus is good for the heart

CLose up of two hands making a heart shape with the sun in the background

In a world where heart disease is one of the leading causes of death, our most precious organ needs all the help it can get.  Asparagus provides a good number of B-vitamins, which together help to keep our biochemistry in good working order.

Asparagus also provides vitamin B2, vitamin B6 and folate which are important for managing an amino acid called homocysteine, of which raised levels have been implicated in heart disease.  With sufficient B vitamins (and some other nutrients), homocysteine levels can be managed.

Asparagus packs a nutrient punch

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Asparagus is loaded with vitamin C, which is essential for a heathy immune system, for energy and, importantly it’s one of our key antioxidant nutrients.  This means it can help protect the body from free radical damage, partly responsible for the ageing process.

Additionally, it’s rich in vitamin K, needed for healthy blood and for the blood clotting process, which is key to our very survival. Vitamin K also works alongside Vitamin D to support bone health.

Asparagus helps detoxification

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When it comes to detoxification asparagus is beneficial for a couple of reasons.  Firstly, asparagus contains some key nutrients, including choline and the B vitamins which are needed in the liver’s normal detoxification processes.

Secondly, asparagus is a natural diuretic, which means it helps to stop water retention by gently working on the kidneys to keep everything flushed through.  Just like all our organs, the liver and kidneys work extremely hard for us, especially in the overall detoxification process, so they certainly need all the help they can get.

Asparagus may help with weight management

Close up on woman's feet on a pair of scales with a measuring tape

This is great news and there are several reasons why asparagus may be helpful if you’re watching your weight.  Clearly the fact that it can help the body detoxify is going to indirectly help with weight loss.  If we’re hanging onto toxins, this can also mean we hold onto fat.

Importantly, asparagus helps balance blood sugar levels which is another key part of effective weight management.  If blood glucose and insulin levels are spiking, then there’s a constant shunting of glucose into the fat cells, which is certainly counter-productive in this situation.  Coupled with the fact that asparagus is low in calories and fat, and the fibre content helps to keep us feeling fuller for longer, it’s certainly going to be helpful for any of us who are watching our waistlines.

How to cook asparagus


The good news is that you have many options. It can be steamed, boiled, barbecued, roasted, or grilled and asparagus works with a wealth of other foods.

Asparagus can be simply roasted with a little olive oil and sprinkled with shaved Parmesan as a perfect vegetable dish, or it’s often served as a delicious starter in restaurants with a little hollandaise sauce on the side.

Enjoy this vegetable while it’s in season now and at its best.

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All images: Shutterstock


Put a spring in your step this season with these top energy-supporting nutrients


A happy woman in from of a blossom tree showing spring time

Spring is finally here!  It’s not just the name that makes us feel livelier and more energetic, the start of the season brings new in-season foods to enjoy.  However, if you’re not really feeling it or are lacking in energy, then changing up some foods in your diet and increasing your nutrient intake will hopefully put a spring in your step!

Clinical Nutritionist Suzie Sawyer shares her top five nutrients to improve your energy levels and suggests ways to easily get them into your diet.

Suzie HFMA V4


The mineral iron is known to be deficient in many UK diets and this can cause lots of issues with energy.  Just like all vitamins and minerals, iron has many jobs to do, but essentially, it transports oxygen around the body in the blood stream.

shutterstock_236232739 steak on wooden board Sept15The richest source of usable iron is in red meat, which many of us don’t eat.  However, beans, dried fruit, chickpeas, nuts, and seeds are also good sources, so vegetarians and vegans don’t need to miss out.


Hummus,With,Vegetables,On,PlatePlant-based sources of iron are slightly less available to the body though, so you can uprate this by eating these foods with others rich in vitamin C, such as strawberries, kiwis, red peppers, and lemons. Just drinking a little orange juice at the same time as eating your chickpea-rich hummus and crackers, is really going to help.

Vitamin B5

Also known as pantothenic acid, this powerhouse of a nutrient is needed to break down the fats and carbohydrates we eat to produce energy. And we could all do with some more of that!



Vitamin B5 is also needed to support our adrenal glands, responsible for getting us through stressful times, so it’s certainly a nutrient to be respected.  The good news is that it’s found in many foods including organ meats, fish, poultry, mushrooms, soy produce, oats, lentils, and brown rice.  For a great and easy midweek meal, why not cook a Lentil Dhal?   It also provides plenty of antioxidants to keep your immune system in good shape.


Biotin is another member of the family of B-vitamins.  Whilst they’re all busy helping support our energy levels, B-vitamins all work in slightly different ways, and have multiple functions.

In the case of biotin, it works with enzymes to metabolise glucose, fat, and amino acids, which helps with energy production.  Biotin is also known as the ‘beauty vitamin’ so your skin and hair will benefit too as you step into spring

Cauliflower cheese

The best food sources are cauliflower, eggs, peanuts, mushrooms, cheese, soy produce and whole wheat.  What’s nicer than a delicious cauliflower cheese with a roasted mushroom side?  Mushrooms also provide some vitamin D, so your bones will benefit too.

Vitamin C

Not much happens in the body without vitamin C being involved somewhere! In the case of energy production, vitamin C is needed for a key enzyme which pushes fatty acids into the mitochondria – the energy part of every cell.


Vitamin C does numerous jobs in the body so suffice to say, load up on this vitamin for an energised new season.  It’s important to enjoy a colourful diet with a wide variety of fruits and vegetables for many reasons, especially antioxidant protection.  Make sure every plate contains an array of colour.  Vitamin C is easily lost through storage, preparation, and cooking, hence buying from Farmer’s Markets is a good option to get the most nutrients.


This mineral can be slightly confusing because it helps with both energy and sleep (and much more besides).  Just like all other vitamins and minerals, magnesium is involved in pretty much everything that happens in the body.  And it’s found in different forms, depending on what it’s used for.

A range of foods containing magnesium

When it comes to energy, magnesium is involved in the production of ATP, our key energy-producing molecule.  It’s interesting to learn that if you’re deficient in magnesium, energy will be low, and you’ll struggle to sleep too.  This is because magnesium is involved in so many different enzyme reactions.

Good sources of magnesium include whole grain foods, leafy greens, nuts, seeds, avocados, soy and other fruits and vegetables. 

With a few tweaks to your diet, you’ll be able to leap into spring rather than plod!

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Follow and Chat with Suzie on Twitter @nutritionsuzie

All images: Shutterstock


From farm to fork – what’s great to buy locally and enjoy this month?

March is National Nutrition Month highlighting, essentially, that health begins on your plate. From a nutritional perspective, eating the right food is the cornerstone to wellness.

This year the campaign champions the health benefits of buying locally, and it’s obviously great for the local community too. But what should we be looking for at this time of year in the farmer’s markets and why?

Clinical Nutritionist Suzie Sawyer shares five great reasons for buying locally this month.

Suzie HFMA V4

Buying local equals better nutritional value

It can often be confusing when buying fresh from farm shops because we tend to assume the produce is organic. This is not always the case.  However, whilst organic foods contain far fewer pesticides, it’s uncertain if they provide greater nutritional value than non-organic produce, especially if they’ve been flown round the world.

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In the case of farmer’s markets, what we do know is that the time from farm to fork is going to be considerably lower than that of produce lingering in a supermarket storeroom or imported from abroad. This means that locally produced food has better nutritional value.  For example, Vitamin C is easily lost from produce during longer storage times.  Add if the produce has been cut, prepared, and wrapped before sale, more vitamin C will be lost.

At farmer’s markets or local farm shops, you’ll be able to buy fruits and vegetables in their more natural state. 

So what to buy at this time of year?

Love purple sprouting broccoli

This vegetable is a great example of why eating fresh is best.  Purple sprouting broccoli really comes into its own when young and crisp, without any ‘woody’ texture. And this is where buying local can really pay dividends.

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In nutritional terms, all broccoli is part of the cruciferous vegetable family, and we know they all provide wonderful health benefits. Cruciferous vegetables contain the phytochemical sulforaphane, which we know helps protect the body from degenerative disease. Their lovely purple colour also provides loads of antioxidants and plenty of vitamins and minerals too.

Try energising spinach

Leafy green spinach doesn’t look attractive or taste great if limp and lifeless.  It’s certainly another vegetable that needs to be eaten fresh, especially if you want to use the leaves in salads.

A bowl of fresh spinach leaves

Spinach will give energy levels a good boost, down to being rich in the B-vitamin folate.  It’s also full of vitamin C and antioxidants which are especially supportive of eye health.

Enjoy delicious swede

Swede is definitely a vegetable to be found in farmer’s markets and is a highly nutritious and filling vegetable to feed a hungry family. It does keep in the fridge for a couple of weeks, but you will lose some of the all-important vitamin C the longer you have it.


Why not use it as a replacement for potatoes, mashed with a little butter and black pepper, or made into a delicious and filling gratin with leeks and potatoes?

Grab some kale – a nutritional powerhouse

Kale is another great example of a vegetable that benefits from being eaten fresh: its taste can become bitter when stored for too long.  Don’t delay, grab some in the local market today and give yourself a real nutritional boost!

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Kale is also a member of the cruciferous vegetable family, so will deliver loads of antioxidants and fibre.  Additionally, kale is rich in minerals, especially calcium, magnesium, and manganese, to help support strong bones. It also contains iron to support energy and red blood cell production as well as potassium which supports the heart and nervous system.

How to cook kale? Whilst it’s great lightly steamed or boiled as a vegetable side, it’s generally better with some other flavours.  Why not choose an Asian theme and stir-fry with some soy sauce, garlic, and oyster sauce? Or try it in a pasta dish with pesto.

If you’re not a regular at your local farmer’s market or shop, then why not make March the month to give your health a real boost by buying local?

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Follow and Chat with Suzie on Twitter @nutritionsuzie

All images: Shutterstock


Jump into spring with these in-season foods

Cauliflower cheese

As we near the end of February and come into March and the start of spring, there are some new seasonal foods to enjoy.  The mere fact that winter is almost behind us can really lift our mood and energy levels, so it makes sense that nature supports us too.

Clinical Nutritionist Suzie Sawyer shares her top five in-season foods for March.

Suzie HFMA V4


Shrooms’ as they’re affectionally known, have become highly acclaimed in nutritional circles as we understand more about their amazing health benefits. However, consumers are also raving about them!

There are many varieties of mushrooms, and they all provide slightly different health benefits.  However, all mushrooms are rich in vitamin B6 and selenium, and are all supportive of immune health.


All mushrooms are a great source of vitamin D: just like us humans they’re able to absorb sunlight and turn it into vitamin D.  It’s not easy to find vitamin D in the foods we eat, therefore mushrooms can help deliver in this respect. 

They are masters of versatility when it comes to how to use them in dishes.  I personally find mushrooms on toast for breakfast a real treat, providing a low calorie, but high nutrient start to the day!


Another ‘big hitter’ in nutritional terms, cauliflower is also very versatile.  It can be used as a main dish (roasted or made into cauliflower cheese), but also works on its own as a vegetable side; it has quite a strong flavour so it’s very happy to be single!


Cauliflower is a member of the cruciferous vegetable family which help support liver detoxification.  Plus, it’s high in fibre which really keeps the digestive tract in good working order. 

From a nutritional perspective, cauliflower is rich in vitamin C, low in calories and is also a great source of our trace minerals, so often lacking in the daily diet.  However, it’s important not to overcook cauliflower otherwise it will become soggy and tasteless!

Spring onions

As the name suggests, spring onions come in as the seasons change.  All onions provide plenty of flavonoids, which are rich in antioxidants.  They are also high in quercetin which helps to calm down allergies, especially hay fever.  If you’re a hay fever sufferer, then now is the time to eat more spring onions before pollen levels rise.


As spring onions are small and can be eaten cooked or raw, they’re very easy to add to dishes such as mashed potato as well as any stir fries or Peking Duck pancakes. 

Spring onions are high in immune supporting vitamin C, energising B vitamins and fibre.  These little wonders are worth adding to many dishes for additional taste and nutritional benefits.


Whilst bananas are available all year round, those from the Windward Islands in the Caribbean are in season now and are certainly tastier. 

Bananas are incredibly versatile and provide a quick boost of energy, hence their popularity with sports people.  They also provide a great source of potassium which helps rehydration during endurance-type events or just when then weather heats up.

Whole bananas and diced banana

Rich in energising vitamin B6 and vitamin C too, bananas make a perfect ‘on-the-go’ snack and are delicious in a banoffee pie!


Mackerel is often described as a ‘showy’ fish as it has a sparkling, silvery belly: slightly more attractive than some white fish, such as plaice.  However, perhaps this is also because mackerel provides more exciting health benefits.  It’s rich in the essential omega-3 fats which are also essential for life. Omega-3s are needed for most body systems, especially the brain and eyes.

Fresh mackerel with lemon and herbs on foil ready to be baked

Mackerel’s rather fishy flavour can be problematic for some of us but served with a strong flavour such as lemon or tomato, it becomes more palatable.  And it’s not just high in omega-3s: mackerel is a great source of the mineral selenium and vitamin B12, essential for the nervous system.

Why not include these nutrient-packed in-season foods this spring so you can enjoy the new season to its fullest?

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For everything you need to know about vitamins, minerals and herbs visit our sister site Vitamin Expert – your essential guide to nutrition and natural health.

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Follow and Chat with Suzie on Twitter @nutritionsuzie

All images: Shutterstock


How to feed your skin from the inside: the top 5 nutrients you need to know about.


Our skin is the largest organ in the body. Therefore, just like any other organ, it needs to be fed and nurtured.  Indeed, what we do from the inside has a profound effect on the health of the skin on the outside. 

The good news is that there are some great skin-loving nutrients that we can call on to help us obtain lovely glowing, fresh-looking skin.

Clinical Nutritionist Suzie Sawyer shares her five top skin-loving nutrients.

Suzie HFMA V4

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is one of our busiest throughout the body especially when it comes to immune health.  However, it’s also one of our most powerful antioxidant vitamins, which means it helps to protect the skin from environmental toxins and pollutants.  These can accelerate the ageing process and cause those much-hated wrinkles!

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However, vitamin C is also needed to produce collagen, the body’s most abundant protein.  Collagen is essential for skin structure which also has a bearing on how the skin ages.  As vitamin C is water-soluble, it needs to be eaten very regularly which means consuming lots of colourful fruits and vegetables.  Strawberries, broccoli, red peppers, blueberries and kiwis are especially rich in vitamin C, but all fruits and veggies are good sources.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is another powerful antioxidant vitamin and works together with vitamin C.  It makes sense, therefore, to ensure your diet contains optimal amounts of both. Vitamin E is also great at reducing any inflammation, so if you’re troubled by skin conditions such as eczema or dermatitis, it may help manage the conditions.

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One of the best sources of vitamin E are avocados: these beautiful green wonders also provide some protein and good fats too, other nutrients that are key for skin health. Why not enjoy smashed avocado on seeded sourdough bread for breakfast, sprinkled with pumpkin seeds?

And talking of pumpkin seeds…


Pumpkin seeds are great source of zinc!  The mineral zinc is another busy nutrient involved in many key jobs throughout the body.  However, it’s very important for growth and repair, of which our skin also benefits. Zinc will not only help protect your skin from sun damage (it’s a powerful antioxidant), it will help heal any wounds, but also ensure that skin cells are renewing and repairing as they should.

A range of foods containing the mineral Zinc

Where to find zinc in foods?  It’s widely available but is especially rich in oysters and other seafoods.  Eggs, red meat, whole grains, nuts and seeds are also great food choices.

Omega-3 fats

These are known as the ‘essential’ omega-3s. This is because the body can’t make omega-3s so they have to be eaten regularly. This is the main reason that there is widespread deficiency in western populations. Oily fish such as salmon, sardines and mackerel are the best sources which are not always popular food choices. Flaxseeds and chia seeds are good plant sources, however.

A range of foods containing healthy Omega-3 fats


Omega-3s are part of our cellular make up and help to keep skin hydrated at a very deep level in the body.  Many of us who suffer with dry skin may not be having sufficient omega-3s, hence the cells are not able to maintain good hydration levels.  Omega-3 are also going to be helpful if you’ve got some kind of skin inflammatory condition.


Selenium is yet another antioxidant mineral which will protect your skin from the sun and external pollutants.  Indeed, antioxidants work in the body both inside and out.  Believe it or not, we create our own free radicals which have to be safely disposed of, hence the need for nutrients like selenium.  If you’re trying to fight off the ageing process (and who can honestly say they aren’t!), then selenium is a great ally when it comes to pro-age.

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One of the best sources of selenium are Brazil nuts (just three a day is helpful), as well as tuna and other seafood, meat, whole grains, beans, and lentils.

There are many other nutrients that are important for skin health, but eating more of my top five is really going to help your skin to glow. What we do on the inside can really pay dividends on how we look on the outside.

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Celebrate national heart month by eating red

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With Valentine’s Day happening during February, it’s almost impossible to avoid seeing red hearts wherever you look. And when it comes to food, red is also a wonderful colour. Why? Because red fruits and vegetables provide some amazing health benefits.

Clinical Nutritionist Suzie Sawyer shares her five favourite red fruits and vegetables and why they’re so beneficial to our health.

Suzie HFMA V4


Tomatoes are widely eaten in the Mediterranean countries and especially in areas around the globe that have higher numbers of centenarians – people living to over 100 years. So, they must be doing something right!

Tomatoes provide some wonderful health benefits but one of their biggest attributes is their richness in the antioxidant lycopene.  This helps protect cells from free radical damage, which in turn helps prevent some of our nasty degenerative diseases. 

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Lycopene is also known to be supportive of male prostate health.  Interestingly, when eaten raw, tomatoes also provide a wealth of immune boosting vitamin C, but when cooked, the lycopene becomes much more absorbable.  The answer is to eat them both raw and cooked, and very regularly too.


These little beauties are also packed with powerful antioxidants.  However, we’ve also learnt lots more about them from research recently. 

Bowl of pomegranate seeds and a side salad

Pomegranates are especially loved by our gut microbiome: essentially our friendly bacteria feed on them and this helps to create the microbial diversity that is so important for overall health. Pomegranates are also protective of the heart, helping to reduce blood pressure. Even better news is that they’re easy to add to many dishes: over your morning porridge, in a salad, or blended with other red fruits.


Beetroots are one of my all-time favourites!  They help support so many different areas of health, that it’s hard not to refer to them as a super food!  They contain a wide range of essential vitamins and minerals such as energising folate, immune-boosting vitamin C and heart-healthy potassium.


Beetroots are also rich in nitrates which can dilate blood vessels, therefore helping reduce blood pressure.  And this effect is very useful when you’re exercising hard and need oxygen to be quickly sent throughout the body.

And if you eat the pickled variety, then you’ll also be gaining massive benefits to the friendly bacteria in the gut. Pickled beets are fermented and it’s this process that provide so many benefits.  If other fermented foods are not your choice, then pickled beets could be a great alternative.


It’s been known for centuries that cranberries provide an amazing remedy for urinary tract infections.   Research over many years has found that they have this wonderful way of stopping the bacteria that causes infections from sticking to the bladder wall.  If you’re drinking the juice, then do try to pick the unsweetened variety.

A basket of fresh cranberries


Just like other red fruits and vegetables, their beautiful colour also makes them rich in antioxidants and vitamin C. However, because they’re slightly sharp in taste, you might want to eat them with blueberries or other red fruits, add them to your overnight oats, or put them in a smoothie.

Red peppers

Essentially red bell peppers are the ones with most nutritional benefits.  This is because they are the ripest of all peppers because they have been on the vine longest.  Red bell peppers have the greatest amount of vitamin C.  However, because vitamin C is easily destroyed by cooking, then they’re better eaten raw, in a salad, ideally.

Red peppers

However, that’s not to say that including them in plenty of other dishes will not provide great health benefits.  These red beauties are loaded with powerful antioxidants and also carotenoids, which become better absorbed when cooked.  Add them to stir fries, chillies, soups and stews.

It’s all about red this month!  So, show yourself some love with these wonderful nutrient-laden foods.

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Nutritional support for a healthy heart


The heart beats around 70 or 80 times per minute which is pretty impressive: it’s clearly an amazing organ.  Indeed, we probably don’t really think much about it unless something goes wrong.  But what if you could help better protect it and show it some love with food?

Clinical Nutritionist Suzie Sawyer shares her three top nutrients and botanicals to help support yours this National Heart Month.

Suzie HFMA V4


Magnesium is the fourth most abundant nutrient in the body and is needed for over 300 different enzyme reactions.  This means there’s very little that goes on in the body that doesn’t need magnesium.

When it comes to heart health, magnesium is essential for regulating the heartbeat. It’s also needed for regulating blood pressure. It is possible to bring elevated blood pressure into line, by eating more magnesium-rich foods and often taking a supplement of magnesium in the taurate form.

A range of foods containing magnesium

Essentially, magnesium is rich in whole foods such as whole grains (oats, brown rice and buckwheat are great), leafy green vegetables, avocados and nuts and seeds.  However, the best news of all is that it’s rich in dark chocolate (not the processed milk variety) – and what’s not to love about that?


When it comes to anything to do with health, nature always knows best.  It provides everything that the body needs and herbs deliver a wealth of health benefits.

Most botanicals and herbal ingredients have plenty of strings to their bow, and garlic is no exception. Research conducted over many years on garlic has shown that it helps regulate blood pressure, it keeps blood flowing freely so can help prevent blood clots, is a powerful antioxidant and can reduce cholesterol levels.  Interestingly, all plants provide antioxidants to us because they also utilise these powers to protect themselves.  Nature literally thinks of everything.

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It is worth adding garlic to as many dishes as possible and it certainly adds amazing flavour.  Garlic is great in stir fries, soups, curries, Bolognese, and vegetable sides such as buttered spinach or broccoli.  Indeed, there are not many savoury dishes that wouldn’t benefit.  And the best news of all is that your heart is really going to benefit.  Garlic is also a great anti-viral and anti-microbial so it’s also going to help ramp up the immune system and prevent any unwanted invaders in the gut.

Vitamin C

Every cell in the body needs vitamin C, therefore it’s important for the heart.  Vitamin C is one of our most powerful antioxidant vitamins which means it helps protect the heart from internal and external toxins.

When it comes to heart health, one of vitamin C’s most important attributes is that it helps to protect arteries from damage.  It’s essential for the blood running through the arteries to be free flowing.  However, sugars, excess fat and toxins may encourage plaque deposits in the arteries, which can harden and potentially cause clots. Vitamin C helps to protect the artery wall and keeps blood thin.  Obviously, its work is going to be severely challenged if your diet is loaded with saturated fats (found in meats and butter), or trans fats (found in margarines and processed biscuits and cakes).  But if you work alongside vitamin C, positive results can certainly be achieved.

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When it comes to getting sufficient vitamin C, I always talk about eating a rainbow diet.  There are many reasons for this but essentially, fruits and vegetables are rich sources of vitamin C, so make sure every plate of food is as colourful as possible.  Count how many different colours you eat in a day.

There’s no doubt that if you look after your heart today, it will keep beating for many years to come.

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