Five nutritional wins for hiking, biking, and all your outdoor adventures this summer

A woman out for a walk in the hills with her arms outstretched enjoying herself

During the summer months, it’s lovely to be in the great outdoors and there’s no shortage of activities to choose from. It’s not just mental wellbeing that benefits from some fresh air and exercise, it’s your joints and bones too. 

Women especially need to be mindful of their bones after menopause, but it’s important for all of us to maintain a strong frame, so the body continues to support us into old age.  But what nutritional help do we need to support these wonderful activities?

Clinical Nutritionist Suzie Sawyer shares her top five nutritional tips for maintaining strong bones and joints for all your adventures.

Suzie HFMA V4

Protein is key

Why? The skeletal frame contains around 20% protein; hence protein is an essential macro nutrient when it comes to supporting your bones. However, it’s often overlooked in terms of its importance for all of us, not just those undertaking heavy weightlifting or body building activities.

A range of foods containing protein

Every meal needs to contain some protein, ideally from a combination of animal and vegetable sources including meat, fish, poultry, dairy, soy, grains, nuts, and eggs. Animal protein contains all nine essential amino acids that need to be eaten or taken in supplement form, whereas vegetable sources are lacking in one or more.  This can be overcome by eating a good combination of vegetable protein, for example, beans and grains together.

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Whichever way you choose, just be mindful of having some form of protein at every meal.  The body is constantly breaking down and repairing as part of its normal functions, so we need to keep it well fed to a ensure all repair processes happen efficiently.

Vitamin C

Whilst every vitamin and mineral is important and essential, vitamin C is one of our harder working ones, fulfilling many different roles.  It’s not only essential for a healthy immune system and as one of our key antioxidants, but vitamin C is also needed for collagen production. Collagen is the most abundant protein in the bones, muscles, skin, and tendons. It effectively provides the scaffold for strength and structure of the body.  In short, if we want to lead an active life, we need collagen!


Whilst many protein foods contain the amino acids that make collagen, we also need vitamin C for its production. Most fruits and vegetables contain vitamin C, so you’ve got lots of choice.  In short, where there’s colour, there’s vitamin C!  Make sure to eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables per day and more if you can.

Vitamin D

Most of us are aware of vitamin D being essential for the bones.  The main reason for this is that vitamin D metabolises calcium, also essential for the bones. The main source of vitamin D is from sunlight on the skin, which of course happens much more during the summer months.  However, many people are still deficient in vitamin D during the summer, especially if they’re using sun cream, which of course you should do to protect the skin.

Vitamin D and a sunshine symbol written in the sand

Often those of us with aching and stiff joints are lacking in vitamin D.  If this sounds like you then, it’s worth continuing with your vitamin D supplement through the summer months too.

Get fishy

Oily fish is rich in the essential omega-3 fatty acids which are needed for healthy joints. Omega-3s are used to manage the body’s natural inflammatory processes which can include pain and stiffness.  Think of them as lubrication.

Brown rice with salmon fillet amd vegetables

The best sources of the omega-3s are salmon, mackerel, and sardines, but for vegetarians, flaxseeds are a great source too.  Aim to have two tablespoons of flaxseeds each day and hopefully all your activities will run smoothly.

Eat your greens

Leafy green vegetables which includes cabbage, kale, cauliflower, broccoli, Pak choi and Brussels sprouts are loaded with nutrients, but especially vitamin K and magnesium, both needed for healthy joints and bones.

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The skeletal frame needs a variety of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and other nutrients but Vitamin C, Vitamin D and Vitamin K along with the minerals magnesium and calcium are super important.  Whilst lots of people turn up their nose at ‘greens’ there are so many ways of eating them which can make them more appealing: stir-fried broccoli with garlic and sesame seeds, cauliflower cheese, vegetable curry with kale, or Brussels sprouts with bacon…… the list is endless.

Whatever your chosen activity, you’ll be able to fully enjoy it with the right nutrition.


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All images: Shutterstock


Holiday eating: nutritional treats from around the Med

Mozzarella, tomato and basil salad

“I’m a great fan of the Med!  Essentially, although I love visiting many of the countries we term ‘Mediterranean’, what I really enjoy are the traditional foods.  And there’s been so much positive research on longevity rates for many people living in these countries, especially Sardinia, in Italy.  Whilst this can be put down to a more favourable, stress-free lifestyle, much of it is because of their amazing diet.

Let me – Suzie Sawyer – take you on a trip around the Med as I share my five favourite traditional dishes.”

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Greek Salad

One of my all-time favourites, this dish really is proof that healthy food doesn’t mean that you need to spend hours in the kitchen!  A traditional Greek salad completely encompasses everything that we talk about as Nutritionists, primarily colour variety and eating a rainbow diet.

A typical Greek salad contains cucumber, tomatoes, olives, onions, peppers, feta cheese and loads of herbs.  All these vegetables have plenty of antioxidants which are essential for protecting the body from free radicals, responsible for the ageing process but also degenerative disease. 

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Tomatoes feature highly in the Mediterranean diet and are rich in lycopene, a powerful antioxidant, and which produces immune boosting vitamin A as needed. Tomatoes are also high in vitamin C, as are red peppers being one of the richest sources of vitamin C. 

Feta cheese provides some good protein for the dish: traditional feta should come from goat or sheep’s milk which makes it less allergenic for many people.

Fresh sardines

There are many Mediterranean countries that always have sardines on the menu.  I’ve eaten lots of them in Spain, but they tend to be available in any country that produces lots of fish.

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Fresh sardines taste very different to tinned sardines and are loaded with amazing nutrients. Sardines are termed ‘oily fish’ which means they contain the super healthy omega-3 fats. These fats can’t be made in the body and so must be eaten in the diet and are essential for healthy eyes, brain, heart, joints, skin, and hormones.  We know that the Mediterranean diet is very heart-healthy, and this is one of the reasons, high levels of oily fish.

The bones in sardines are obviously very small and we tend to eat most of them which means we’re also eating good amounts of vitamin D and calcium. These nutrients are often depleted in our daily diets and are essential for healthy bones, teeth, and immune system.

Lamb and roasted vegetables

Lamb is a popular food in many Mediterranean countries, especially in Turkey and is of course a great source of protein, as well as being a very tasty meat.  As lamb is high in fat, it doesn’t need any fatty or carb-heavy sides, which makes having plenty of colourful roasted vegetables the perfect accompaniment.


Traditional Mediterranean vegetables include artichokes, peppers, onions, and aubergines. They are all colour-rich vegetables and deliver loads of plant anthocyanins which provide a range of antioxidants, also very protective of brain health.

Spanish tortilla

This is a dish that is great eaten in Spain, but I also eat it in the UK!  Its key ingredients are eggs which are high in protein and contain all the essential amino acids that can only be obtained from foods or supplements. Having tortilla for breakfast, whether it’s at home or abroad, is a great start to the day.

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Traditional tortilla is also super-easy to make; you only need a few other ingredients. These are olive oil (a stalwart of the Mediterranean diet), onions (rich in an anti-inflammatory compound called quercetin) and potatoes (rich in immune-boosting vitamin C).  Once you’ve cooked the potatoes and onions, add the beaten eggs, and cook on a low heat on the stove for around 20 minutes.

Classic Italian Risotto

What’s not to like about Italy and traditional Italian food?  As an occasional treat it provides a good source of protein from the cheese, energising rice and those ever-popular typical Mediterranean onions.

Whilst arborio or risotto rice lacks the vitamin and mineral content of whole grain rice, it’s a great source of carbohydrate, especially after you’ve been travelling or have completed some hard exercise.  It will help support the immune system, and also your mental wellbeing.  And that’s before you’ve even appreciated its amazing taste!


The rice just needs to be cooked with butter, stock, onion, and white wine before adding the cheese towards the end of the cooking time.  And then add in any other herbs, vegetables or protein sources that you fancy. A small portion of Risotto is an impressive dish to serve as a starter for a dinner party too.

At home or away, typical Mediterranean dishes really float my boat!


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All images: Shutterstock


Five foods for a nutritious vegetarian picnic


Summer brings the promise of good weather, trips out and packing a picnic to fuel your adventures.  But what are some of the best options to pack in your basket, especially if you’re vegetarian?

There are many healthy and tasty vegetarian foods to choose from which will keep you supercharged all day long.

Clinical Nutritionist Suzie Sawyer shares five vegetarian ideas for your picnic basket this summer.

Suzie HFMA V4


For those of us who are gluten-free, buckwheat often gets forgotten about because its name can be confusing.  However, this grain is both gluten-free and loaded with protein, so it makes a fabulous vegetarian picnic option and is great for the digestion too.


Why not mix up a really easy risotto the night before and keep it in the fridge? Buckwheat works  well with mushrooms, garlic, beetroot, and crème fraiche, and you’ll also be gaining additional health benefits from the antioxidants in beetroot and vitamin D in the mushrooms.

Feta Cheese

Traditional feta cheese originates from Greece and is usually made from 70% sheep’s or goat’s milk.  Out of interest, if it’s made from cow’s milk, it can only be called ‘feta-style’ cheese. If you are a feta fan, then make sure it’s the Greek variety as these non-cow products can often be kinder on the digestion, whilst still retaining the protein content.

Feta provides a rich source of calcium for healthy bones and teeth and supports gut health down to the range of beneficial microbes, including probiotic yeasts, it contains.



It’s super easy to make up a feta cheese salad using rocket leaves (great for iron content), and canned puy lentils (providing more protein and fibre). Add some lemon juice and mint to flavour and a little raw chopped red onion for a fresh and delicious salad!


Avocado is such a brilliant food because it’s both a good source of protein and healthy fats too.  We need these good fats to absorb fat soluble nutrients, especially Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E and Vitamin K but also for heart health.  Avocado is itself rich in vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant, and great for the heart.


When avocados are left for a while, they can go brown when exposed to oxygen.  Therefore, the best way to take it on a picnic is in a wrap.  If you sprinkle it with some lemon juice to stop the oxidation, and add some falafels, hummus, and rockets leaves, you’ve got yourself a delicious, filling, and healthy picnic dish.


Specifically Spanish tortilla! This is another dish that you can make the night before and keep chilled in the fridge. It’s easy to transport and great if you’ve got a cold pack in your picnic box or basket.

Eggs are a fabulous source of protein because they contain all nine essential amino acids that make up proteins, so you’ll feel fuller for longer and more energised. 

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Traditional tortilla can either be cooked on the stove or in the oven and it is generally made with onions, chopped cooked potatoes, and garlic. Why not take some delicious vine-ripened tomatoes to eat with the tortilla which not only complement the taste but provide additional antioxidants to help protect the skin from sunshine (although sun cream is still needed of course!)

Cannellini Beans

Any beans provide a great vegetarian source of protein and cannellini beans also tend to remind us of the Mediterranean.  Indeed, these beans are great in a really colourful Mediterranean bean salad, to enjoy everything that’s good about these traditional dishes.

Traditional Mediterranean food is rich in colour because the dishes generally contain lots of antioxidant and nutrient-rich foods.  It’s not difficult to eat a rainbow diet in the Med.


For this salad, you really can freestyle it but why not use some chopped cherry tomatoes, cucumber, onions, black olives, red peppers, basil leaves and even crumbled feta if you fancy some.  You can either use a ready-made dressing of your choice or make one with extra virgin olive oil, garlic, red wine vinegar and herbs.  This is really easy to transport and will keep everyone full and energised through the day.

So enjoy a highly nutritious vegetarian picnic menu on your next outing this summer.


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All images: Shutterstock


Simple diet changes with big nutritional benefits


Fruit and vegetables in the shape of a

It’s all too easy to get stuck in a rut when it comes to eating.  Some ruts will be healthier than others for sure.  However, it’s always important to keep on top of our diet to ensure it’s as healthy as it can be. 

Sometimes less healthy habits can creep in, and they can be difficult to change, but there are some easy wins.

Clinical Nutritionist Suzie Sawyer makes life much easier for you by providing five nutritional changes to support a healthier diet.

Suzie HFMA V4

Swap white potatoes for sweet potatoes

You may not be eating either and neither are bad.  However, when it comes to nutrition, it’s all about getting the most out of every meal and there are some real health benefits to including sweet potatoes in your diet.

Baked sweet potato topped with salmon

Sweet potatoes are rich in beta carotene, a powerful carotenoid that is turned into vitamin A as needed in the body.  Both nutrients are essential for a heathy immune system, for the eyes and healthy mucous membranes, such as those within the lungs.  Importantly, these powerful nutrients are antioxidants which help protect the body against everything life throws and, consequently, the ageing process.

The great news is that sweet potatoes can be used in just the same way as white potatoes so are perfect in their jackets.

Swap white rice for quinoa

Quinoa, an often-forgotten grain, is strictly speaking a seed.  It’s all too easy to grab the ready-made white rice in a bag, but it’s actually providing you with very little nutrition.  White rice is heavily refined, and has been stripped of its fibre, B vitamins and other minerals in the process. 

Quinoa and bulgar wheat salad with feta

However, quinoa, which is great-tasting and very similar to brown rice, is higher in protein and has an excellent vitamin and nutrient profile.  For vegetarians and vegans, it’s an ‘essential’ in the diet as a great source of protein, nutrients and that all important fibre.

You can boil up a batch (it’s very easy – just add a stock cube) and use it as a side with your fish, meat, or other protein.  It’s also great cold the next day as a basis for a very transportable salad.

Change from margarine to butter

This might seem surprising but it’s much better for your health (and arteries) not to eat margarines containing trans fats.  They are chemically altered fats and the body does not know how to handle them.  And don’t be fooled by the ‘high in polyunsaturates’ labels.  Polyunsaturated fats are healthy but only if they’ve not been heated (which happens when processing margarine).


Butter contains saturated fat which is stable when heated.  However, try to eat it in moderation vs piling it up on your toast!  Alongside butter why not try other alternatives such as hummus, or olive oil which is perfect for bread dipping.  Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fat which is great for heart health.

Add in more colour with beetroots and blueberries

Both these foods have been termed ‘superfoods’ on many occasions.  Their beautiful dark colour means they’re rich in plant polyphenols which are powerful antioxidants. However, both have their very own claims to fame.

A wooden bowl of blueberries

Blueberries have been found to be very helpful for both brain and eye health.  They are also high in vitamin C which is an essential nutrient for the immune system. Beetroot contains nitric oxide, which helps relax the artery walls, reducing blood pressure, but also has the effect of improving performance especially for endurance exercisers.  Beetroots are also great for liver health and are often found in detoxification protocols.


Blueberries are of course a great on-the-go snack or can be easily mixed with natural yogurt or overnight oats for breakfast.  Beetroot is a perfect salad ingredient; it goes especially well with goat’s cheese or can even be used in sweet dishes.  You’ll never taste a better or moister brownie than one made with beetroot!

Swap peanut butter for almond butter

Peanut butter is, of course, a firm favourite for many of us.  And whilst it’s a good source of protein, it actually has no other health benefits.


Almond butter is both very tasty and rich in nutrients, especially magnesium and calcium to help support your bones, and vitamin E, which is great for the skin and immune system. Almonds also contain L-carnitine, an amino acid which has been found to help brain health. You can even add it to your morning smoothie as a great source of protein and healthy fat.

So why not make some of these easy diet changes for quick nutritional wins.


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All images: Shutterstock