Struggling to sleep? Discover how magnesium could help

Close up of a woman asleep in bed

Getting sufficient and the right type of sleep is a problem for a large number of us. Even if you wouldn’t describe yourself as an insomniac, there may still be nights when you toss and turn and wake up feeling unrefreshed.  Thank goodness, therefore, for the mineral, magnesium. It has turned many peoples’ sleep nightmares into sweet dreams!

Clinical Nutritionist Suzie Sawyer shares the reasons why magnesium is a great sleep remedy.

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The wonders of magnesium

Magnesium is second to potassium in terms of its concentration in our cells, which means it’s pretty important!  Around 60% of magnesium is found in bones, 26% in muscle and the remainder in soft tissue and body fluids. It’s especially rich in those organs that are very active, especially the brain and heart.

Side profile of a person higlighting their brain functioning

However, magnesium is an extremely busy mineral, being used in around 300 different enzyme reactions, which means not much goes on in the body without magnesium being involved in some way.  Importantly, though, magnesium is needed to produce our brain neurotransmitters and hormones, hence its ability to help with sleep. 

Another one of magnesium’s many jobs is its ability to control nerve transmission and function.  It also helps to calm what are known as ‘excitatory’ nerve transmissions, meaning those that ‘rev’ us up.  Clearly, that’s not what’s needed when we’re trying to sleep!

Magnesium and relaxation

Whilst we’re still learning exactly why magnesium is so beneficial for sleep, one thing we do know is that it is needed for muscle relaxation.  If you suffer from restless leg syndrome which keeps you awake at night then Magnesium can provide helpful relief, therefore enabling better sleep.


Since such a large percentage of magnesium is found in our muscles, it makes sense that its positive effects are going to be felt within the muscles too.  Magnesium is known as a natural ‘tranquiliser’ because of this unique ability to enable relaxation throughout the body.

The mineral calcium is also a muscle relaxant: as magnesium helps regulate proper calcium metabolism, this is another reason it’s going to help with sleep.

Different forms of magnesium

There are several different forms of magnesium and they all do slightly different jobs.  However, the glycinate form helps support the nervous system, so is the most widely used form for sleep.

Interestingly, and slightly confusingly, magnesium is also needed for energy production, because of how it works within the energy-producing cycle known as the Krebs cycle.  Again, different forms have different jobs. Whilst it’s needed for chemical reactions to take place, magnesium is not going to give you a sudden boost of energy, which is good thing when trying to sleep: it’s more about making sure everything is working well within the body’s complex biochemical network and that everything is in balance.

Where to find magnesium 

Magnesium is known to be deficient in the typical western diet, because it’s found in whole foods rather than processed ones.  Elderly people and ladies suffering from pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) are known to have too little magnesium in the diet.

A range of foods containing magnesium

Magnesium can be found in whole foods such as brown bread, nuts and seeds, beans lentils, avocado, green leafy vegetables, brown rice, chicken, milk, and cheese.  Just reducing the number of pre-packaged foods in the diet and focusing on whole foods will really improve your intake of magnesium.

Consider supplementation

Whilst you might be eating plenty of magnesium in the diet, you may still be struggling to sleep.  Unfortunately, magnesium is used up by the body in greater amounts when we’re stressed. In addition, some of our foods contain less than they used to because the soil in which they are grown is depleted in nutrients generally.

If you’re having problems sleeping, then the best advice is to take magnesium glycinate as a supplement about one hour before bedtime. 

Magnificent magnesium really could be answer to getting a good night’s sleep.

Vitamin Expert Tile


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Five ways to check in with your health at half time

a group of books with titles which describe a healthy lifestyle

It’s the halfway point of 2023 and this makes it the perfect time to check in with your health. Are there things that could be improved when it comes to your diet, lifestyle, or supplements (if you’re taking any)?

Many of us make resolutions at New Year but the mid-year point is a great time to see how things are going.

Clinical Nutritionist Suzie Sawyer provides five great check-ins for making sure you’re on track with your health.

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How colourful is your diet?

This is a great question to ask yourself.  Why? Because if your plates are full of colourful fruit and vegetables then they’re also full of nutrients.  We all know we need food for energy and survival, but it’s easy to forget that food provides important nutrients that are essential for our individual biochemistry and without which we wouldn’t thrive.


As an example, magnesium, which is rich in green leafy vegetables and whole grains, fulfils about 200 different functions in the body.  It’s essential for a healthy nervous system, the heart, muscles, brain and much more.  However, magnesium is frequently deficient in the typical western, highly refined diet.  Once this is corrected many find they can sleep much better, have healthier blood pressure readings, and generally feel more balanced. 

If you think about the number of essential vitamins and minerals we need, then it’s worth taking a closer look at your diet and increasing the colour on your plate is a great starting point.

Are you happy with your weight?

Unfortunately, gaining weight is generally much easier to achieve than losing it.  When the sun shines, we like to be out and about, and this often involves socialising.  Of course, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, but it can become very easy to take in too many calories through eating out and perhaps an increased alcohol intake.

Close up on woman's feet on a pair of scales with a measuring tape

As with everything in life, it’s all about balance. If you’re out eating and drinking alcohol many nights a week, it’s likely to have an impact on your weight.  Why not try intermittent fasting which research has shown to be helpful in weight loss?  All you need is a clear 12 to 14 hours from eating your last meal in the evening to your breakfast the next morning.  Obviously, you need to watch calorie intake generally, but it might be a doable way of keeping on track.

How much are you moving?

The human body evolved to be active.  This doesn’t mean you need to spend hours in the gym if that’s not your bag; it’s just about taking regular, preferably daily, exercise of some form.  Brisk walking is great, especially if you’re short of time. Perhaps fit a daily walk into your lunchbreak or take some time out on a warm evening for a walk after dinner. If you can find an activity you really enjoy, then so much the better.

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It’s also important to do some form of resistance training, especially as we get older and muscle mass naturally declines. This can take the form of strength training using weights, your own body weight (for example, used in many yoga poses), or resistance bands. 

How are you sleeping?

We understand more and more just how important sleep is to our health.  Humans used to sleep on average around nine hours a night, but this has dwindled to an average of less than seven, which is far from ideal.  The sweet spot appears to be between seven and nine hours each night but you will know how much sleep you need from how refreshed you feel when you wake up.

Close up of a woman asleep in bed

When we sleep, the body repairs, but importantly the brain clears out ‘debris’ which is important for sharp brain function but also for preventing dementia later in life.  Getting sufficient sleep is a problem for many people but do try and make it a priority. 

Try some good bedtime habits such as taking a warm bath, turning off blue light-emitting devices (such as phones and tablets) at least two hours before bed, practising deep breathing to calm the nervous system and avoid eating too late in the evening.  Try some different ways to relax before bed and find what works for you. 

There are also some great herbal remedies such as valerian and passionflower, which are both well-researched to help relaxation and aid sleep.  Your body deserves some time to repair so it can continue to serve you well.

How is your mindset?

There are always stories in the media that can cause negativity, especially now with the cost-of-living crisis and much more.  It takes some practice but do try to block out negativity as much as possible.  Writing a short daily gratitude list really helps shift your mindset in a more positive direction.

A close up of a typewriter with the word gratitude typed

Keeping positive not only supports mental wellbeing but physical wellbeing too; being weighed down by worries and stress can raise cortisol levels, our stress hormone, which impacts on immune health. 

Try to do your own health check this June and make some positive changes; your body and mind will be very grateful!


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The importance of rest and relaxation


With our 24/7, ‘always-on’ lives, getting sufficient and much-needed down-time can sometimes fall to the bottom of our to-do list. However, as part of the body’s daily functions, it’s very important to make time for adequate rest and relaxation. 

Stress, both long and short term, can have a negative impact on both mind and body so getting that all-important calm into our lives should be a priority.

Clinical Nutritionist Suzie Sawyer shares her three top tips for reducing stress and inducing calm.


Become a super-organiser

When there’s so much going on and daily chores and commitments can seem overwhelming, the best way forward to is be super-organised!  This doesn’t mean living to a fixed time schedule as such, but it does involve making lists and prioritising from there.

Close up of a woman's hand writing a to do list in a journal

The brain works hard for us, and we carry so many thoughts within its millions of brain cells.  These thoughts can often become muddled, which means we effectively run around in circles and are less efficient. Writing every job down, however small, that needs doing, can help reduce stress and anxiety. 

Everyone has a different way of processing this information; some people need to see a spreadsheet with headings, some prefer a written list.  Whatever works for you make sure it has a form of prioritisation, perhaps numbered jobs, so that you tackle them in a logical or priority order.

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It’s also really helpful to do a ‘brain dump’ at the end of each day.  Add to the list anything for tomorrow or for the future and this will help stop the night-time agonising of what jobs need to be done.

Make your bedroom your sanctuary

There is more and more research available on the absolute necessity for quality sleep.  It’s essential for our wellbeing, but also longevity.  However, getting quality sleep is a problem for many of us, so it does need to be prioritised for it to happen.

Close up of a woman asleep in bed

Any kind of blue light emitted from electronic devices is a complete ‘no-no’ if you want to get some shut eye.  Taking a laptop to bed with you is certainly not going to help.  Turn off all electronic devices two hours before bedtime and use that time for relaxation techniques.  This might include a warm bath, reading a book or meditation. 

Woman with legs crossed sitting on bed meditating

For those who struggle to meditate, then deep breathing is a great way of putting the body into the parasympathetic rather than sympathetic (also known as fight or flight) part of the nervous system.  Even deep breathing from the belly so the diaphragm expands, six seconds in and six seconds out, for a couple of minutes, can really make a difference.  If you used this technique a couple of times a day, the changes to how you feel within will be noticeable.

Lavender oil and fresh lavender on a pillow

Lastly, love your bedroom.  Rather than seeing the room as a functional space, try to make it a real sanctuary, where you feel relaxed and calm.  Even using some lavender spray in the room and on your pillow, will help. And love your bed too; an uncomfortable mattress might need changing.

Use the power of nature

Everything the body needs for wellness is provided by nature.  And this includes some amazingly calming and restorative herbs, together with colourful foods. When trying to get more relaxation and calm into your life, it’s important to feed the body with nutrient-dense foods, but you can also utilise various herbs to help too.


A diet high in caffeinated drinks and sugar can contribute to feelings of anxiety, but also impair your quality of sleep.  Only you know how much you have in your diet but do make a conscious effort to reduce significantly or stop both completely.  Additionally, eating foods rich in colour, in a form as near to their natural state, will provide the nutrients the body needs to ensure its biochemistry functions correctly.

Close up of Passion Flower

When it comes to herbs, passionflower has long been used for relaxation and to help sleep.  And the good news is, it can work quickly, especially if you’re suffering from a nervous stomach, for example.  Likewise, valerian taken about an hour before bedtime can really help and won’t cause drowsiness the next day. The mineral magnesium can also help support your sleep.  Try them individually to start with and notice what works for you.

If you prioritise rest and relaxation, hopefully you’ll be rewarded with more energy and less anxiety in your life!



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All images: Shutterstock


Can changing my diet and lifestyle help my sleep?

Woman asleep in bed

The short answer is yes! Getting a good nights’ sleep is an omnipresent problem for far too many people. 

There’s much research to suggest the importance of getting between seven to nine hours sleep per night which, for many, is difficult.  However, sleep patterns can be improved by making some diet and lifestyle tweaks.

Clinical Nutritionist Suzie Sawyer shares her five top sleep hacks.


Cut the caffeine

We all know that caffeine is a stimulant and for many of us, it’s something that helps us get through the day.  However, it’s all too easy to get stuck in a cycle of having a poor nights’ sleep, and then using more and more caffeinated drinks the next day to get you through.

If you’re struggling with sleep, then caffeine is not going to help.  And we can often become more sensitive to caffeine as we get older.  Women going through menopause can certainly suffer more by having caffeine. So how can you consume less?


Over a period of a couple of weeks, gradually cut down and then cut out caffeinated drinks.  Switch to decaf tea and coffee, which does still have a small amount of caffeine but is greatly reduced.  The coffee shop shots often contain vast amounts too! Even though you may not have been drinking caffeinated drinks before bedtime, having them at any time of the day influences the nervous system and consequently sleep.

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Ideally, try and go for herbal teas. Green tea can help with sleep as it contains an amino acid called theanine which has a calming effect.

Avoid cardio exercise in the evening

Exercise is a very important part of daily life but it’s often difficult to fit in during the day with work and other schedules to juggle. However, heavy cardio exercise stimulates cortisol which can then take a while to settle, which may mean you’re counting sheep into the wee small hour afterwards.

shutterstock_249902236 woman running and smiling Sept15If possible, try to do exercise in the morning.  There is another very good reason for this: exercising outside in the bright morning light stimulates the production of melatonin, our sleep hormone, later in the day.


Eat to support your sleep

The body essentially produces the sleep hormone, melatonin, from the amino acid tryptophan found in foods.  When planning your evening meal think about including some chicken, eggs, oats, fish, pumpkin seeds, almonds, or eggs.

Chicken breast with side salad representing balanced mealHowever, it’s also important to have foods throughout the day that keep blood sugar levels in balance.  When blood sugar is out of whack then it can trigger the release of cortisol. This is our stress hormone, which can create more anxiety, restlessness, and irritability, none of which are conducive to a good night’s sleep! 


Bowl of porridge topped with blueberries and raspberriesSo, think about having an oat-based breakfast, such as overnight oats which is quick and easy to prepare the night before. Go for a salmon or tuna salad for lunch and grilled chicken breast with veggies for dinner.  If you’re vegan, soy is also a good source of tryptophan, so a tofu stir fry would be a great option.

Get into a routine

The body loves a routine.  It has a natural circadian rhythm, and all body processes happen in a routine too.  For example, the liver carries out most of its detoxification processes at around 2 am whether you’re asleep or not. Therefore, having a bedtime routine is important too. 

CLose up of a woman relaxing in the bath reading a book, surrounded by candlesTurn off and don’t look at electronic devices at least two hours before bedtime.  Decide what works for you in terms of having a warm bath with some lavender oil, reading a book, meditating or other relaxation techniques.  The important point is to stick to a routine and try to keep regular bed and waking times too. And whilst alcohol might seem like a sedative, it is known to disrupt sleep patterns and is often the cause of early morning waking.

Practice deep breathing


Of all the relaxation practices, deep breathing is probably one of the most effective.  Plus, it costs nothing, and it doesn’t take much time either!

Woman with legs crossed sitting on bed meditatingDeep breaths need to start from the belly.  You might want to lie down and put your hand on your belly to ensure this is happening until you get used to the feeling.  Initially, just try breathing in for four seconds and breathing out to the same intensity for four seconds. In essence, you are regulating your breathing in and out.  As you get more practice, then try to do this for 6 seconds each way.  The important point here is not to over think it – just concentrate on the breath.  After a couple of minutes, you’ll certainly start to feel calmer.  Try doing this for five minutes every day before settling down to sleep – you’ll be amazed by the results!

Try these tips and hopefully you will sleep well tonight.


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All images: Shutterstock


Three top nutrients to support your energy this winter


Winter weather and grey days can really zap our energy levels. 

Whilst traditionally the worst month of the year, January, is now behind us, it’s not uncommon to continue feeling decidedly lacklustre and in need of an energy boost through the colder months.

Clinical Nutritionist, Suzie Sawyer, shares her three top nutrients for getting that much needed refuel this winter.


Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is important from the first moment of life because it’s needed for DNA synthesis, production of red blood cells and is essential for normal nerve transmission.  However, just like all 8 vitamins within the family of B-vitamins, B12 has many other jobs too, including energy production.

Vitamin B12 is unusual from a soluble nutrient perspective, (and unlike the other B-vitamins) because it can be stored in the liver, kidneys, and other tissues, so deficiency can often be missed for a while.  That doesn’t mean that levels will be optimal, and frequently people are lacking, partly because it’s essentially found only in animal produce.

A plate with a picture of a brain on to represent eating healthily to support a sharper brainVitamin B12 is also required for brain function, therefore it’s important to ensure intake is optimal, especially if you want a sharper brain as well as more fuel in the tank.

A range of foods containing Vitamin B12The best food sources are liver, meat, oysters, sardines, Swiss and cheddar cheese. A warming macaroni cheese might just hit the spot when it’s cold and grey outside. Interestingly, some B12 can be produced in the gut, but this varies from individual, so a supplement is often a good idea especially if you follow a vegan diet.


Coenzyme Q10 is found in the mitochondria of every cell in the body, which is the part that produces energy.  So, if you’ve not got enough Co10, energy levels are likely to be low. Its role is similar to a spark plug in a car! It’s especially needed for a healthy heart, as well as energy, because the heart is one of the most metabolically active organs in the body.

Blueberries in a heart shapeAlthough CoQ10 is found in every plant and animal cell, dietary sources can sometimes be limited, but it seems that vegetarians tend to preserve it better within the body. However, best food sources are liver, fatty fish, meat, soybeans, and vegetables, especially broccoli, so a varied diet is certainly going to help. A bean casserole with loads of vegetables added would be a great meal choice for this time of year and won’t break the budget either.

A bowl of mixed bean soupProduction of CoQ10 in the body does diminish as we get older, plus certain medications, especially statin drugs cause its depletion, hence supplementation is often needed.


The mineral magnesium is often misunderstood as it’s used for energy production but can also help us to sleep! In truth magnesium is needed for over 300 different enzyme reactions in the body, including energy production, and is used very successfully in cases of chronic fatigue.

Close up of a woman asleep in bedThere are different forms of magnesium, which can be confusing to decipher. Magnesium malate (often used for chronic fatigue) and magnesium citrate are used in the Kreb’s cycle (the body’s main way of producing energy).  However, magnesium bound to the amino acid glycine can help relieve anxiety but is also effective for aiding sleep.


A range of foods containing magnesiumMagnesium is frequently deficient in the typical western diet which includes lots of processed foods.  This is because magnesium is mainly found in whole grains, avocado, green leafy vegetables, and beans including soy produce.  A tofu stir fry which includes loads of chopped veggies would make a great, magnesium-rich meal.

So, there’s no need to feel low in energy during the winter months with these energy-boosting nutrients!


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All images: Shutterstock


Pack some of nature’s medicine cabinet for a healthier holiday

CLose up of smiling woman on the beach enjoying her holiday

We all look forward to our holidays and time away from the stresses and strains of life.  However, travelling itself or just a change of water, food or routine can sometimes play havoc with our health. 

The good news is that nature always has our back in this respect; if you know what to pack there are a range of natural supplements which can help ensure you stay well.

Clinical Nutritionist Suzie Sawyer shares her five top choices to take on holiday, chosen from nature’s medicine cabinet.


Sleep peacefully with valerian

Sleep can often be disrupted when on holiday even if you haven’t travelled across time zones. The heat can impact how well we sleep. Or perhaps your holiday location might not provide the quiet retreat you were hoping for.

Woman asleep in bedHelp is at hand in the form of the herb valerian. Used for many hundreds of years as a traditional remedy for sleep disorders, it’s perfect and easy to pack in supplement form in your suitcase.  Valerian works on one of our soothing neurotransmitters, GABA, to also help feelings of calm, and it doesn’t cause drowsiness the next day.

Probiotics to soothe digestion

Probiotics are the trillions off good bacteria that live in our digestive tract and are so very important for overall health.  However, sometimes these guys get upset and imbalanced and then digestive issues can arise.  This can often happen on holiday, sometimes in the form of unpleasant diarrhoea.

Close up on woman's stomach with hands making a heart shape to show a healthy tummy

It’s certainly worth taking a course of probiotics in supplement form before holiday.  Or alternatively, you can load up on probiotic-feeding foods such as garlic, ginger, asparagus, artichoke, green tea, and other fibrous vegetables.

However, do pack a particular probiotic called saccharomyces boulardii which is great for helping to ease traveller’s diarrhoea.  It’s available in supplement form and can be taken long-term too.

Beat the bugs with vitamin C

Vitamin C is one of our key immune-boosting nutrients.  Unfortunately, flights, travel stress, a little too much alcohol, and a new environment can often leave us more vulnerable to colds and infections.  This is where vitamin C comes in.

shutterstock_114498919 woman cold flu Oct16It’s worth packing some effervescent vitamin C tablets and start taking them at the first sign of coughs and sneezes, repeating every few hours. The sooner you start taking it, the more effective it will be.  Some people find their bowels become looser when using it which is perfectly normal.  Vitamin C is quickly excreted from the body which is why it’s best to take it regularly throughout the day.


Also load up on plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, all of which contain some Vitamin C.

Calming Aloe vera for sunburn

Unfortunately, we can often be too enthusiastic when it comes to sunbathing.  Plus, pesky mosquitos can often be an annoyance.  This is where soothing aloe vera gel comes to the rescue.


Another remedy that’s been used for centuries, aloe vera is the perfect antidote for any skin issues.  It can also help with dandruff and an itchy scalp.  Even better, Cleopatra used to call aloe vera ‘The Elixir of Youth’ .  She had amazing skin which she attributed to using aloe vera.  So, you may come back from holiday looking 10 years younger too!

Banish bacteria with tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is one of those remedies that has such a range of uses, it really needs to find its way into your suitcase.


Tea tree is a natural antibacterial agent so you can disinfect anything with it; you can spray it around you on planes or public transport if people are coughing and sneezing or onto any cuts, scrapes, bruises or fungal infections …. the list goes on!

Avoid spraying down the throat or into the ears, but other than that it’s pretty safe to use.

With a little extra precaution, and a few natural remedies, you can have a trouble-free vacation!



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All images: Shutterstock


Trouble sleeping? Discover some top tips on how to get more zzz’s

Woman asleep in bed

How many of us dream of getting a good night’s sleep?  For at least 40% of the UK population, sleep can often be a struggle, and things have become much more challenging over the last couple of years, for obvious reasons.

However, peaceful slumbers don’t need to just be in your dreams. There are a few things that you can do to help get a better nights’ sleep, which will in turn support your energy levels throughout the day.

Clinical Nutritionist Suzie Sawyer shares her five top tips on getting a good night’s sleep.

Review your diet

If you want great sleep, it’s important to eat right during the day. A diet that’s rich in low to medium foods on the glycaemic index, which includes whole grains, nuts, seeds, beans, legumes, and starchy vegetables, is the way forward.  These will help to keep the body in good balance and encourage it to rest.


Foods lower on the glycaemic index also provide sustained energy throughout the day, without spiking blood sugar levels.  This means you’ll avoid those highs and lows, but also feelings of anxiety which often accompany blood sugar imbalances. Anxiety is certainly not helpful when you are trying to get to sleep.

Keep it regular

This means adopting a regular routine.  The body loves routine, so keeping regular sleep and waking times is essential for maintaining a healthy sleep pattern.  Generally, we need seven to nine hours sleep per night, therefore think about what time you need to be in bed depending on when you need to get up, in order to achieve this.

CLose up of an alarm clock and a woman getting out of bed to represent getting up at the same time every day

Trying to ‘catch up’ on sleep at weekends tends to push the body out of routine, so this can become a negative strategy.  Once you’ve got a routine going, it’s amazing how well the body will adapt.

Keep calm with magnesium

The mineral magnesium is often referred to as ‘nature’s natural tranquiliser’ because it has a calming effect on the body, down to its work as a muscle relaxant. Poor sleep, with long periods of tossing and turning during the night is often associated with magnesium deficiency. Plus, stress further depletes magnesium levels in the body.

A range of foods containing magnesium

The good news is that magnesium is found in whole grains and foods that are also low on the glycaemic index. Plus, green leafy vegetables are your friends in this respect too.  So, load up on broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and spinach.  This will help to keep the body calm and balanced and able to rest and relax.

Consider trying adaptogen herbs

Stress is obviously going to impact our sleep patterns.  And whilst we can’t eradicate all stress from our lives, we can take steps to support the body during stressful times by using adaptogenic herbs. Adaptogens, as the name suggests, bend and flex to meet the body’s needs. Herbal adaptogens primarily relieve stress by working on the adrenal glands from where the body releases stress hormones.

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The adaptogenic herb ashwagandha has long been studied for its benefits on sleep, with a recent trial further confirming its effectiveness. If stress and anxiety are effectively managed because stress hormone levels are balanced, then many sleep issues can be resolved.  The herb Rhodiola rosea is another adaptogenic herb, which can help the body get through stressful times, and in turn aid restful sleep.

Reduce caffeine and sugar intake

As we all know, caffeine is a stimulant which frequently impacts on getting a good night’s sleep.  For those of us who are especially sensitive to caffeine even having one high-caffeinated drink during the afternoon can have a detrimental effect on peaceful slumbers.  Plus, ‘decaf’ drinks still contain a small amount of caffeine unfortunately.


Caffeine, and especially coffee, can cause more anxiety generally; often we don’t realise the overall effect on the body.  If you’re struggling to get some rest, then it’s really worth cutting out all caffeine for a week and seeing if things improve.

Sugar is also a stimulant so be mindful of overall sugar intake too.  Sugary snacks are going to send blood sugar levels up and the body’s overall balance will be upset. Try to keep the diet as ‘clean’ as possible and follow some of these simple strategies.  Improvements can be felt really quickly in many cases.

So, try some of these strategies to help you get a better night’s sleep.

Stay well.


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For everything you need to know about vitamins, minerals and herbs visit our sister site Herbfacts

All images: Shutterstock


Upgrade your health this World Wellbeing Week

A chalk board with the words Healthy Lifestyle written on alongside other words which represent this

World Wellbeing Week is an opportunity for us to evaluate our physical and mental health and what more we can be doing to support our wellness.

What does wellbeing mean to you?  Officially it means ‘the state of being comfortable, healthy or happy’.  So how could you improve your wellbeing?

Clinical Nutritionist Suzie Sawyer shares her top tips.

Make some dietary tweaks

Trying to make dietary changes too quickly can often be very stressful.  And it may be that your diet is pretty healthy, but it just needs improving in certain areas.  So, why not resolve to just change one thing?

shutterstock_585346478 whole wheat pasta June17

Each mealtime is an opportunity to re-fuel the body and take in essential nutrients.  The body needs 45 nutrients (including water) in any one day, so each mealtime should count.  Maybe swap white refined bread and pasta for brown, which will provide much more fibre and essential nutrients. Or cut down on overall sugar content, remembering that many foods have hidden sugars, such as cereals, sauces, baked beans and other tinned and packaged foods.

A pile of sugar with the words 'no sugar' in

Sugar in all its forms (and that includes honey) depletes the body of other nutrients and upsets blood sugar balance, making weight more difficult to manage.  If sugar is an issue for you, any reductions you can make are going to be positive.

Figure out an exercise plan

It doesn’t need to be formal or involve a gym, but exercise and keeping active is a very important part of overall wellbeing.  The body was not intended to be sedentary so it’s just a question of moving around more.

Close up of woman working out at home

Whether that means scheduling a daily 30-minute walk, taking up a new sport, dancing around the room every hour if you’re working from home, or starting a more formal routine, exercise needs to be planned daily into your day. It’s essential for good circulation, maintaining muscle mass and also helps support mental wellbeing.

Swap bad fats for good fats

Dietary fat is an essential macronutrient.  It is not only used as an energy source but is also needed to absorb our fat-soluble vitamins.  However, saturated fats, found in butter, red meat and refined foods should be eaten in moderation as they can raise cholesterol levels and cause heart problems.

A range of foods containing healthy Omega-3 fats

The essential omega-3 and 6 fats, however, are, as the name suggests, essential, and need to be eaten in the diet.  They are utilised for a healthy heart, brain, eyes, joints, and hormones.  Oily fish and nuts and seeds are the best sources, so make sure you’re eating these on a regular basis.  If your skin is dry, this may also be a sign that you are lacking in omega-3s.

Prioritise mental wellbeing

Thankfully, mental health is no longer a taboo subject and people are openly discussing issues, and hopefully seeking help if needed.  However, it’s important that we all check in with ourselves to make sure we are prioritising our mental wellbeing.

Woman with legs crossed sitting on bed meditating

Perhaps it’s time to practise meditation; the benefits are enormous, once you’re able to fully engage with it.  You will feel more balanced and hopefully less stressed.  Even five minutes of daily deep breathing can help alleviate stress. Sometimes the simplest of things can have the most effective results.

Is sleep an issue?

We know that sleep has become even more problematic for many of us since the pandemic, generally caused by anxiety.  We also know just how important sleep is for overall health.  At the very least, poor sleep encourages production of the hunger hormone, ghrelin, which is part of the reason we tend to eat more after a poor night’s sleep, making weight gain more likely.


Such is the importance of sleep that a bedtime routine needs to be established.  Watching TV or electronic devices stimulates the brain making it more difficult to switch off.  Much better is to read a book or magazine an hour before bed.

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Having a warm, milky drink before bedtime is not just an old wives’ tale, it has a scientific basis.  Milk (plant and dairy) contain the amino acid tryptophan, which is needed to produce the sleep hormone, melatonin.  Therefore, it’s a great to have a milky drink about an hour before turning in. Additionally, certain herbs, especially valerian and passionflower are well researched at helping with sleep issues, so don’t be afraid to seek them out in supplement form.

Small changes can have big results when it comes to our health and wellbeing, so try to include a few of these tips into your daily life.

Stay well.


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All images: Shutterstock


Winter wellness: taking care of you

CLose up of happy woman in autumn winter

The winter weather is rapidly approaching, and with the country now in another lockdown, there has never been a better time to really start looking after yourself.

Clinical Nutritionist, Suzie Sawyer, shares her top tips for being kind to yourself including improving sleep, enjoying greater energy levels and having glowing skin.

Sleep – the cornerstone of wellness

Close up of a woman asleep in bed

Getting sufficient sleep is essential to feeling energised and having healthy glowing skin.  Everything suffers health-wise with a lack of sleep, including how we look and feel. If you’re struggling to sleep (as so many people are right now), the most important thing is to look to your diet in order to make some improvements.

The mineral magnesium is incredibly calming so try to eat foods rich in magnesium for dinner including beans, tofu, green leafy vegetables and nuts, which will all help improve sleep.

A range of foods containing magnesium

The amino acid tryptophan is important because it helps produce melatonin, our key sleep hormone.  Milk (soya, dairy and almond milks) contain tryptophan which is why having a warm milky drink before bedtime can be so effective.

A basket of almonds and a glass of almond milk

Additionally, almonds contain melatonin, (as do cashews and pistachios, in lesser amounts) making them a very effective pre-bedtime snack.  Milk and nuts also contain calcium, another calming mineral.  Just by taking a little care and being kind to yourself, can make a whole lot of difference to how you sleep.

Energy – feed it to your body

A woman jumping with a sunset in the background

Do you feel tired all the time?  Firstly, be kind to yourself and don’t beat yourself up if you don’t have the energy to do things.  It’s hard to feel energised and motivated when we are all in a state of flux. However, there are some particularly energising nutrients that can certainly help.

Enter the family of B-vitamins which all generate energy, primarily from the food we eat.  They are widely found in a range of foods especially whole grains, meat, fruit and vegetables and beans – in fact, in all healthy foods! If your diet is colourful and varied, then you should be getting what the body needs and this will help boost energy levels.

A range of foods containing Vitamin B6

‘White’ foods such as pastries, cakes, white rice, pasta and bread contain very little in the way of B-vitamins and will upset blood sugar levels, stripping energy rather than topping it up. Being kind to your body is about fuelling it with as much nourishment as you can at each mealtime.

Skin – radiate from within

Close up of woman smiling in a cosy jumper

How your skin looks and feels mainly comes from within.  If what you’re putting in isn’t right, it will show in your skin which may look dull and lifeless.  Being kind to your skin means providing it with specific beauty vitamins such as biotin, rich in eggs, beans, nuts and liver.  Plus, collagen, the body’s main structural protein, naturally declines with age, and a lack of which can leave the skin looking dull and less springy.

A range of protein sources

It’s important for all body systems and especially the skin to eat plenty of protein each day; include some at every meal – think eggs, meat, poultry, beans, nuts, dairy or fish.  This will also help collagen production.  Additionally, there are plenty of collagen supplements on the market, to further boost levels.

A range of vegetables to represent fibre in the diet

Collagen also needs vitamin C in order to work efficiently, so make sure you’re eating at least the recommended five portions of fruits and vegetables daily. Vitamin C is also a powerful antioxidant protecting skin from free radical damage which is responsible for the ageing process. Your skin will certainly appreciate some kindness.

So, treat yourself to some kindness and it will really improve the way you look and feel, both now and in the future.

Stay well.


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Follow and Chat with Suzie on Twitter @nutritionsuzie

For everything you need to know about vitamins, minerals and herbs visit our sister site Herbfacts

All images: Shutterstock


Stress and anxiety: lifestyle changes you can make to help restore some calm

Woman with legs crossed sitting on bed meditating

Stress and anxiety levels are likely to be at an all-time high right now, for obvious reasons. Feeling anxious can be very unsettling and result in us not living our lives as we would like to.

Rather than trying to cope with it and accept it as ‘normal’, why not look to diet and lifestyle changes which could help to soothe your mind?

Clinical nutritionist, Suzie Sawyer, shares some of her top tips.

Nutritional swaps

It’s sometimes difficult to imagine that what we eat can have a marked effect on brain function, anxiety levels and mood.  For example, certain gluten-containing foods can cause low mood in some people.  Equally a lack of nutrients, especially zinc and B-vitamins can adversely affect mood and also cause anxiety.

Fillet of salmon with some steamed asparagus

It’s important to make all mealtimes count as an opportunity for nourishing the body. For example, simple swaps such as wholemeal pasta instead of white and including fish (particularly oily fish such as salmon) rather than fish fingers, twice a week is a great start.

A range of green vegetables

Additionally, try to eat vegetables (which can be from frozen), particularly the green leafy variety, every day. They can make a big difference to brain function as they are rich in the calming mineral magnesium.  Aim for at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day, with 3-4 of these being vegetables.

Always think brown rather than white when it comes to choosing whole grains, for example brown wholemeal bread and whole grain brown rice. All these foods are nutrient-dense and will help to stabilise mood.

Avoid the agitators

Whilst many people think that alcohol makes them happy, it’s actually a depressant, therefore having plenty of alcohol-free days is essential. Alcohol also upsets blood sugar balance, especially the day after. This can leave you feeling tired and often craving sugary, carbohydrate-heavy foods, which further deplete energy levels.

A cup of green herbal tea

Caffeinated drinks also cause blood sugar disturbances, which in turn affects mood.  Drinking decaf tea and coffee or herbal and fruit teas, together with 1.5 litres water daily will really reduce the caffeine load. Some people are more susceptible to the effects of caffeine than others, but there will always be some kind of effect which may exacerbate anxiety.

Sleep support

Anxiety can cause sleep issues.  Changes to diet and lifestyle can have a really positive impact on getting a peaceful night.  However, if sleep is still an issue then it may be worth trying a supplement of 5-HTP, readily available in health food stores.

Close up of a woman asleep in bed

5-HTP is the pre-cursor to tryptophan which produces our happy hormone, serotonin and in turn, melatonin, our sleep hormone.  It has the dual effect of reducing anxiety and encouraging restful nights. 5-HTP is best taken about one hour before bedtime with a carbohydrate snack.

Lavender oil and fresh lavender on a pillow

Traditional remedies such as spraying lavender on the pillow can also be incredibly effective.  Even having a warm bath with some lavender oil an hour or so before bedtime can make a real difference.

Herbal help

Nature has incredible healing powers. The herb passionflower works on one of the brain’s calming neurotransmitters, GABA, helping soothe anxiety and a nervous stomach.

A cup of camomile tea and camomile flowers next to it

Camomile works in similar ways, so drinking camomile tea before bedtime is great, but also through the day can help too.  Additionally, valerian helps calm the body without causing excess drowsiness, and can also help solve sleep issues.

Treat yourself to kindness

It’s all about the messages you give to yourself.  Often without realising we beat ourselves up, bemoan that we could be better or get unnecessarily angry about things we can’t change right now.

A woman relaxing in a bath reading a book

Resolve not to listen to the inner voice when it chatters on your shoulder but take some time out for you.  Think about the simple pleasures that bring you joy and help calm the mind; a movie you’ve been meaning to watch for ages, a home spa treatment or a great book that you can escape into.

Allow yourself to enjoy these moments; don’t feel guilty and try to push away any negative thoughts to help promote feelings of calm.  Take some positive actions in order for the changes to be felt.

So, with a few simple changes to your diet and lifestyle, you can help to calm an anxious mind and body.

Stay well.


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Follow and Chat with Suzie on Twitter @nutritionsuzie

For everything you need to know about vitamins, minerals and herbs visit our sister site Herbfacts

All images: Shutterstock