How to eat for energy this summer: top breakfast ideas


A woman out for a walk in the hills with her arms outstretched enjoying herself

When the summer arrives and the weather improves, we generally think about being more active outdoors.  However, we need the right fuel to be able to fully enjoy everything we want to do.  Having a well-balanced, nutritious breakfast, regardless of whether you’re having a longer overnight fast, is the key to fuelling your energy levels.

Clinical Nutritionist Suzie Sawyer shares her top three to breakfasts to kick start your outdoor activities.

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Egg and avocado smash

Protein and healthy fats are your best friends for breakfast choices.  They help to keep you feeing fuller for longer, but importantly ensure energy levels are even and sustained throughout the day.

Egg and avocado therefore make a great partnership.  And avocado really lends itself to being smashed onto some kind of whole grain toast.  If you’re troubled by bloating after eating bread, then sourdough is kinder on the digestive tract.  Just make sure you choose the whole grain variety.


Avocados are full of healthy fats, the monounsaturated kind that are great for the heart and skin, and much more.  The body also needs healthy fats to absorb essential nutrients such vitamins A, D, E and K.  Plus, we can use the fat as an energy source too.

When it comes to protein, eggs are a top choice because they contain all the essential amino acids the body needs. Once fuelled up on this breakfast, you’ll be ready for any outdoor activity.

Overnight oats

Whether you’re vegan or just simply want an alternative to eggs, then oats make a fabulous breakfast.  During the warmer summer months, eating hot oat-based porridge may not seem quite right, hence soaking them overnight in a little plant-based milk or apple juice is a perfect option.

Porridge topped with bananas and blueberries

Oats make a great breakfast choice because their fibre content means they provide sustained energy rather than the quick ‘hit’ you get from sugar-laden cereals. Plus, whole grain oats contain plenty of energising B-vitamins, so you’ll certainly be fuelled up and ready to go!

It’s important to add some protein to your bowl, so high protein natural yoghurt (which can be plant-based) makes the perfect combination.  Enjoy some berry fruits with your overnight oats and you’ll be getting antioxidant protection and energising vitamin C too!

Home-made baked beans

Beans on toast is another brilliant energising meal to start your day.  And the very best way of enjoying this meal is to make your own bean mixture.  It really doesn’t take long but the taste and nutritional benefits are amazing.

All beans are high in protein and contain energising B-vitamins. They are absorbed slowly into the blood stream, so energy levels are sustained throughout the day, Beans also contain lots of antioxidants to protect you against pollution and the sun when you’re enjoying the great outdoors.


Fry up some onions and garlic, then add the beans, some paprika, a little water and a chopped tomato, cook for 10 minutes and you’ve got one of the healthiest breakfasts on the planet!  You’ll be fuelled for the day and have given yourself some amazing nutrients within this dish too.

If you get your nutrition right at the start of the day, energy levels will be balanced, as will your mood, and you can enjoy life to the full this summer.

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All images: Shutterstock


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